Chapter Twenty Five

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Illuso stretched back as he sat on the bed beside you, nudging you to fall into Formaggio. His trick actually managed to make more room for himself. "You guys wanna hear my dream?" Formaggio yawned, Illuso turning to him intrigued.

"Mhm." You lazily spoke beside him.

"Heh, I was in the past, just some western cowboy. You were there," he turned to you briefly. "Then I was riding over to you, but when I reached you I was in some futuristic car. When I stepped out, Illuso was waiting."

"That makes no sense Formaggio." Illuso argued.

"It doesn't have to, its a dream." Formaggio playfully replied. "Point is," Formaggio spun to sit in front of you two, quickly pinching your cheeks.

"Hey!" Illuso growled confused.

"I love ya guys." He grinned, managing to make both you and Illuso genuinely smile.

"Am I interrupting something?" Risotto's clear voice interjected.

"Yeah I'm busy getting Illuso and y/n to fall in love with me." Formaggio clicked his tongue.

"Yeah sucks for you, pretty sure Melone won't let that happen," Risotto joked as Formaggio pulled a sour face.


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He turned to leave, hand curled around the door handle as he paused, "if you need something, I'm always here."

Your mouth was moving faster than your thoughts, "Ris wait."

A/n hey so this is clearly unfinished but I'm gonna post it because of my long absence, and I wanted at least something to post! I'll hopefully get the next couple chapters posted soon, and get back into the swing of things

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