Chapter Eleven

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Descending down the slippery stairs you recognized the same hallway you were shoved down by Fugo twenty minutes ago. You were eager to rush in the living room and help with any remaining messes but quickly paused when you heard their hushed voices.

Eavesdropping wasn't the most honorable thing to do but, curiosity got the better of you when you heard your name. "-y/n and I know you do too."

You barely managed to hear Narancia mumble, "yeah." Before Fugo cut him off again.

"Look, I won't make any moves now, so quit hesitating." Confused, you strolled into the room innocently, ignoring Narancia's flushed face as he stumbled up.

"I-I'll go shower now!" He tumbled over his words and down the hall.

"What was that about?" You pondered aloud, turning to Fugo as your dripping hair tickled your forehead.

"We were just discussing something, I'm sure you'll find out soon enough." He disregarded you with a smile, sliding your homework across the table in front of you.

- - -

Eventually Narancia returned, Fugo beaming at you as he headed to shower. Narancia plopped beside you, silently copying the last of the homework as you whistled to get his attention. No reaction.

"Nara~" You cooed, nudging him as he turned to you, a ruby blush prominent on his face.

"W-why did you say it like that?!" He cried, falling face first against your shoulder with a huff. "Y/n.."

"Yeah?" You swiped his mechanical pencil from his fingers as he twisted it, finishing the homework for him, as long as Fugo didn't see it was fine. Right?

"I like..." You peered down, the heat on his face radiating onto your arm at this point. "Oranges."

You burst out laughing, his head instantly removed from your shoulder as you apologized. "S-sorry, it was just so random." He smiled it off, his face hidden behind his damp black hair as he lifted the pencil out of your hand.

An awkward silence followed as you played with your hair, everything flowed easy with Narancia and this was pure torture. "Nara?" He glanced up, the majority of his face not visible still. "Wanna prank Fugo?" You we're relieved when he perked up.

You schemed, rushing to your spots on the couch when you heard light footsteps echoing down the hall. Mayhaps all of Fugo's family photos were now low quality drawings on napkins done by you and Narancia, but I'm just going out on a limb here.

Fugo walked in oblivious to all your hard work as he nodded at the homework and paused. "Y/n."

"What?" You innocently chirped, your smile immediately faltering as he glared down at you.

"I can tell your handwriting. If he wants to pass he needs to learn, and that means doing all of it." Before he could continue scolding you, Narancia interrupted.

"Your family's so...interesting Fugo!" Confused, Fugo finally caught on. You giggled with satisfaction as you caught him biting back a smile.

"Real mature guys," he laughed. "You should probably head home before it's too late though." You both agreed, waving him goodbye before heading home to Trish.

- - -

About halfway home an uneasy feeling of being watched plagued you. Trying to ignore it and failing, you risked a long search behind you, noticing a streak of purple hair darting behind a convenience store.

Not wanting to alarm Narancia you picked up the pace, if the stranger kept following you'd say something but there was no need to panic yet.

You continued onto your street, humming beside Narancia as you snuck a quick glance behind you and sure enough a tall dude with purple hair and an odd black jumpsuit was strolling along behind you.

Uncomfortable, you tugged on Narancia's sleeve, nodding behind you. "What is it-oh. Is something wrong with him?" He talked freely causing you to hush him.

"He's gonna hear you." You strained, "I think I saw him earlier."

"You think?"

"Well," you started. "I saw his hair before he ducked behind a building. But! How many people have that hair color around here, it can't be a coincidence believe me." You begged, gaining his attention.

"I believe you, we'll take a detour home." He spoke quietly, interlocking his fingers between yours and darting left behind a fence. You tried to ignore the rising heat on your face as he sprinted across a stranger's yard and urged you to hop over the fence. You complied, failing to stick the landing and having Narancia humiliatingly help you up.

"We should be able to walk a bit farther to the other sidewalk and down it." Narancia beamed, leading you through the tall grass in fenced off area of the yard and to the chipped sidewalk.

- - -

Luckily the strange guy didn't show up again and you waved Narancia off, quickly heading inside to find Trish.

Instead of a sweet salmon haired girl you found a scrawled note.

Y/n, I'm out with a friend I'll be back later tonight! -Trish

You sighed, tossing it in the tiny metal trash can in your room and plopped onto bed. Just as you flicked the tv on, your mom strolled into you room. "Hey honey!" She chirped, "Your friend stopped by earlier, Bucciarati I think? Anyway he wanted me to let you know he wanted to talk to you!"

"Thanks mom!" You smiles back, being met with a balled up paper to the face.

"...Oops. He left his phone number." She giggled, exiting the room as your phone buzzed beside you.

You figured you'd text Bucciarati quickly before opening the other and once that deed was done you were surprised to see Giorno's name illuminated. A FaceTime from him is a once in a lifetime opportunity; so you gladly took it.

"Hey." You beamed, plopping down on your stomach and propping your phone against a stray pillow.

"Hi," he smiled back, his wavy hair streaming over his shoulders as he leaned onto his cheek.

"Did you need anything in particular?" You quietly questioned, pulling the thick comforter around your shoulders. You noticed him shake his head 'no' out of the corner of your e/c eye as you drifted your attention back to the small screen and the golden boy in it.


Ch 12 Preview

"Be careful."

"Yeah yeah, I am." You laughed him off, your foot slipping on the lowest branch and sending you tumbling down. You prepared yourself to hit the ground when Abbacchio's built arms wrapped around you, pulling you into him as he stumbled backwards, quickly gaining his balance.

A/N: I'll be introducing Doppio soon as Trish's (slightly) older half brother, does anyone want him to be a romantic interest?

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