Chapter Twenty Seven

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A few days have passed and when someone knocked on the door, you half expected it to be Risotto. He seemed to have worked his way into your every thought after one interaction. It consumed you.

When the door opened, you were instead met with Mista and Formaggio arguing. A couple minutes of their bickering continued before they took notice of you.

"Y/n why is your boyfriend here? I thought I told you I was coming over!" Mista whined, flashing his phone at you, there was a text of him saying he was on his way, and the one before that Formaggio sent of himself, and Miata's frantic texts afterwards. You may have forgotten to explain.

"Boyfriend?" Formaggio looked between you and Mista, "I'm your boyfriend?"

It was Mista's turn to flash his phone in front of Formaggio, a look of regret coming over his features. "Oh, that." He turned to you, "you didn't explain that?"

"I forgot!" You put up your hands defensively.

Mista shoved his phone back in his pocket, "well why didn't you tell him I was coming over?"

"I didn't know he was! He just showed up!" Formaggio nodded, smiling sheepishly.

"You still haven't explained it, is he your boyfriend?" Formaggio stepped in to sling his arm around you.

"Hmm," he noticed your questioning look at him. "Will be, not yet though."

This only seemed to confuse Mista further.

"Well, what does that mean? Y/n, you seriously like this guy?"

Before you could answer, Formaggio started speaking. As if he just wanted to dig this hole even further. "Like me? Y/n loves me," he smirked.

You slid out from his grip and scowled. "Why don't you both settle this amongst yourselves? And tell each other the truth, will ya?" You paused before heading into the other room, "Formaggio.. why are you here?"

"Oh, right, Pesci wanted me to tell you he's waiting around the corner for you."

"What? How long have we kept him waiting?!"

"We? All you, you wanted me to explain this right?"

You sighed, eyeing a confused Mista and a cocky Formaggio, "just don't burn the place down. Mista, keep an eye on him."

"An eye on me? Shouldn't I be keeping an eye on him?" Formaggio retorted as you shut the door.

You looked around as you began walking, soon seeing Pesci sitting nearby. You called out to him, and he smiled. Waving, your matching pineapple bracelet jingled.

"Is something the matter?"

Pesci shook his head, "no, everything is alright. Just," his words caught in his throat. You helped him up as he thought for a moment, "after the other day I was bit worried. Uhm, when you were with Risotto, Illuso and Formaggio said he called you in, and I went to find you two for him to send me off, you went home soon after, I was just worried." He rambled as you tried to hide your involuntary response to the memory of that day.

You smiled reassuringly at him, "yes, I'm okay." One thought raced through your mind, would I risk him having the chance to hurt me?

Pesci beamed at you, a hint of worry behind it. "I take it Formaggio is waiting for you then," he spoke softly.

You shook your head, "he can keep waiting, why don't we go somewhere?"

"You sure..?"

"Positive," you looked at him; he seemed devoured in his thoughts.

He cleared his throat to talk, but was soon interrupted. "Y/n! We figured it out y/n!" Mista and Formaggio shouted as they ran towards you.

You sighed and smiled apologetically at Pesci, "I thought they'd take longer." He shrugged, seemingly understanding.

"Formaggio and I figured it out, he also told me," he was quieted with a hand clasped over his mouth.

"I told him nothing, nothing at all, except that we agreed to let you and Pesci have fun today," Formaggio shot Mista a rueful smile as he dragged him away.

Pesci chuckled, "I don't think I'll ever understand them." You nodded in agreement.

- - -

You weren't sure how a conversation about your day led to a challenge of who could sneak into Ghiaccio's room unnoticed, yet here you were, ducked in his closet as he entered.

Swearing under your breath you peered through the cracks in the wood, hoping fiercely that he would fall asleep. Pesci hadn't made it past the kitchen unnoticed, so you'd already won, but being discovered by Ghiaccio was not your intention.

You waited for a long time as he worked, until he finally laid down. Dying to stretch your aching muscles, at first sign of him finally dozing off, you scrambled out of the closet.

"It's not very nice to hide in someone's room," Ghiaccio remarked as you froze.

"I'm sorry, it was just a game, I didn't mean any harm."

"I'm aware of the game, Pesci squeaked it to me in the kitchen. Yet, here you remained in my room with me supposedly unknowing."

"Ghiaccio, I really didn't mean to upset you," you searched his eyes for any hint at his next moves, but they were impossible to read.

"No matter," he sighed. "I was curious to see what you would do anyway, and I actually was looking to speak with you."

You relaxed partly, "about...what?"

He observed you for a moment, "you're hard to read. Why do you continue to come back here? If anything you should resent us, yet you continuously return sooner than the last time."

"I don't understand... do you want me to go?" You spoke timidly, the closet still open behind you.

"No, no, I want you here just like the rest." You barely caught his next words, "if not more than they do."

"So, what do you want with me?"

He scoffed, "many things, but those can wait. Right now, I want to know why you keep coming back? Why lay your trust in us?"

"Well, you're all my friends," you began.

It seemed unsatisfactory to him, "there must be more to it."

"I'm not sure," you admitted. "There's something refreshing about being here."

He seemed to accept this answer, though only half heartedly. Ghiaccio rose to meet you, glaring. "I really hope we can discuss the rest soon."

"The rest?"


Ch 28 Preview

Reaching the edge of the woods, the rain was a blanket, you could barely see a few feet in front of you. Prosciutto meekly smiled at you, gripping your hand tightly before sprinting into the storm, dragging you along behind him.

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