Chapter Twenty Four

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You finally arrived at their place, Narancia's voice being the only one filling the car. He followed closely behind you, fidgeting with his hands.

Formaggio fell in step beside you as Ghiaccio slammed the door open. His icy glare cut through Formaggio and he shrunk behind you with Narancia.

You bit back a laugh as you stepped in, immediately being swung into someone's arms. You only saw a blur of purple brushed against your face. You heard Narancia gasp in the background as Melone's flashy smile came into view.

"I missed you." Melone sniggered, letting you down when Narancia caught his eye. "Ooh, who's this? You're rather cute." He winked, sliding over to Narancia.

"Uh- I'm Narancia." He choked out, you awkwardly returning to stand beside him.

"He's my friend from school." You continued for him, Melone nodding with a smirk. You were quick to realize Ghiaccio and Formaggio had already parted ways.

"Come on~" Melone chimed, taking you and Narancia's hands and leading you farther in. "Look at my cuties!" You shrugged at Narancia as he giggled.

"Y/n! Melone let them go." Illuso warned, Melone skipping along with you guys behind him. Just as he thought he made it out, you two laughing to each other behind him, Risotto grabbed the back of you and Nara's shirts. You felt a tug and soon Melone's hand slipped from yours.

"Good to see you y/n, but who's this?" Risotto asked nonchalantly.

"My friend Narancia." You replied, his hands falling back to his sides as he nodded and paused.

"Good to have you." Risotto hummed. Narancia offered him a playful smile in return as Melone huffed in defeat.

- - -

Narancia had been roped in with Melone and Illuso for the time being, so you wandered off for some water. Pesci was in the kitchen, snacking on some chips at the counter as you stood beside him. "Hm, oh, want some?" You nodded, scooping a handful into your mouth.

"Is something the matter?" You quietly questioned. He stayed quiet, munching on another chip. It crunched loudly, amplifying the silence.

"It's just, you brought your friend here. Y'know a real friend, who didn't kidnap you, or put you through anything like that. A friend you got comfort from after what we did." He admitted, not meeting your eyes.

"You are a real friend. Even after the incident we made up. Why do you think I come to see you so often? All of you are my friends." Noticing a smile play on his lips, and then fall as he turned to you.

"You can be honest," He said with a strict tone.

"I am. Would a fake friend do this?" Your arms snaked around him and you locked your hands together at his back as you pulled him in. You felt his arms circle around you.

"Well, lots of people hug those they don't like." He argued, you pushing him off your chest and dipping your head by his, pecking his cheek lightly.

"You don't have to doubt our friendship." The subtle smile on his lips remained as you joined the others in the living room. "Has anyone seen Narancia?"

"We hid him." Prosciutto informed you.

"You, uh you hid him?!" You blurted confused.

"Yup." Prosciutto sheepishly grinned, Melone clapping.

- - -

So you spent the next 10 minutes searching every closet and room until you wandered into Ghiaccio's. He stared you down from his spot on the bed. "He's not in here."

"Oh, thanks. Well about earlier-" You began.

"It's Formaggio's fault, no need to waste your breath." He quickly cut in.

"Just, be understanding with him. He went to my house to apologize, I just kept him over to be safe."

"He was drunk wasn't he?" It was like trying to get an ice cube to melt in cold water, frustrating and slow.

"Yeah, but he wants to get better." Ghiaccio eyed you, his stark red glasses grabbing your attention quicker.

"Well, I hope he goes through with it. You've got someone to find now, don't you?" You nodded, closing the door slowly.

You rounded the corner to Risotto's office, the only place you haven't checked. You knocked, hearing a grunt of confirmation inside. Then swung the door open to see Risotto already waiting for you.

"I assume you know where Nara is?"

"You have a nickname for that boy? Yes I know where he is."

"Well, spit it out Ris." You added the nickname with a smirk, only noticing his eyes widen for a second.

"..Check the room." He hinted, leaning back against the desk. You complied, soon finding Narancia crouched in the back of a closet. He beamed, his purple eyes twinkling as he jumped up.

"I'm a bit tired from sitting there that long." He yawned, stretching legs as he climbed out. Honestly, the least surprising part was he listened to people he had met twenty minutes ago into hiding in a closet.

"Narancia why did you hide?" You pointed out the obvious.

"I didn't hide, they hid me." He grinned, clearly enjoying himself. You sighed, watching him leave happily.

"I'm glad he gets along with them." You remarked to Risotto before slumping out of the room. The ruckus from the main room slammed into your ear drums, their miscellaneous voices taunting you. You glanced through the nearest door, spotting the sleeping form of Formaggio.

You slipped in the room, shutting the door to block out some of the sound. You leaned back against the wall while sitting on the end of the bed, sighing as his breathing rang through your ears. It began to cancel out the others, maneuvering you to a state of tranquil.

You caught yourself when he stirred, his eyes half open and landing on you. "..I don't think it's normal to watch people sleep." He spoke, his voice rough and scratchy from sleep. An embarrassed fluster spread over your face like ink.

"I- well uh.. It's very noisy out there right? Hah." You awkwardly stammered, Formaggio bursting out in an unsteady laughter that eased the mood.

"Yeah, believe me I know." He kicked you, knocking you half off the bed before you caught yourself. "So you watch everyone sleep, or only the cute ones?"

"Only the cute ones." You replied, pulling your legs to your chest. While leaning your chin in between your knees and closing your eyes, your h/c hair falling over you.

"I think you're quite the looker myself, but I'd say everyone here would agree." Formaggio counterattacked, "lucky for me you're in my room." He fidgeted around until you opened your eyes, him tackling you back on the soft bed.

The comforters enveloped you as Formaggio chuckled, caging you in. You smiled, glad to see him more carefree. A knock sounded on the door, causing Formaggio to jump off you and landing very ungracefully on the floor. "Y/n I'm just joking with that I'm sorry," he whispered to you. "Come in!"

You leaned on your side to see Illuso walk in and shut the door behind him. "..What are you two doing? I keep hearing you laughing. Nevermind that, I just need a place to relax." He nudged Formaggio to sit beside him, you above the two on the bed.


Ch 25 Preview

[it will arrive soon]

A/n uhh this chapter feels off but I don't know and it's 5 am, aka when I post without regret and never look back

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