~Group Chat~

12 1 0

Minyoung POV

8:00 am

I wake up to Minhee sitting in the chair where Minjee was sitting last night.

"Oh! Your awake!" She says sarcastically, "I've been here since 6:00, I got bored and wanted to go out with you. Can we go out! I love Tokyo's clothing stores~" 

When I sit up I just stare at her in silence she talks again.

"Also since when do you like Karashi? I cleaned up the sushi and saw it was used.. You hate spicy things."


How do I tell her that Minjee was here and we ate sushi? 

And that we're dating now.

Simple answer is; You don't.

"I just wanted to have some to see..."

Wow that's so belivable.

"That's a lame excuse that Minjee came over.."

How the fuck-

"How do you know?"

She cuts me off,

"So your admitting it.. What happened!?" She perks up like a dog wanting a treat,

"Watch a Drama~ Is my love life the most interesting thing in your life?"

Like Bruh.

I'm also concered how she found out.

"Wait 'love life'? So you're dating now?!" 

I swear to god Minyoung why are you so stupid?

"Just don't tell anybody ok.."


I sound like some desperate child wanting attention.

"I promise! Minyoung-ah I would never! Now please; spill."

I comply to her and spill.

I spill all the tea,

About the phone calls,

About that night,

Even about he is physcopath for like Karashi like seriously..

There's a brief moment of silence before Minhee comments,

"I ship it. It's cute. This is the greatest thing ever like legit I'm so happy for you!"

I've always loved how supportive she is. Even if she invades my privacy. It's beause she care's. No wonder she's the leader she cares and only wants the best for us.

Speaking of that;

"Hey also how did you find out about him coming over..?"

It's crazy the things she knows...

"Word spreads fast espically in the group chat."

Group chat?

Group chat?

"What group chat?" I ask,

"You don't know the tea spiller's chat?"

She opens her phone showing a group chat called "tea spilling and shit"

It includes,





Jakson Wang

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2020 ⏰

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