~A Not So Simple Sandwich~

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(Minjee POV)

What the frick just happened?

I was watching the TV's while getting ready for my stage, We go after Mintee so might as well watch it. Their songs are preety catchy, not really my style of music. But, Gosh.

I feel so bad for this girl right now..

I don't know what just happened

It at least looks like her shirt accidently flew up, but then I think she passed out after.

I do know the girl who passed out, Her name is Sun Minyoung. I've never personally talked to her, but everybody I know at JYP tells me she's the most passionate girl they've met.

"Minjee, what's going on over there? You seem so focused on that TV?" Says my fellow member and friend; Seungmin, I explain the situation to him, He used to be a JYP trainee and they were practically best friends.

Now I feel like I need to talk to her.

After The Performance

I'm heading toward the Inkigayo Cafe to grab a bite to eat and see Minyoung and her group members at a table in the corner. I've heard there's already been many people saving the video and sending it to people. There's disgusting people in the world.

I order a Inkigayo Sandwich and take a bite, then looking at her watching her trying not to cry

I can't take it anymore 

I buy myself another Inkigayo Sandwich, Grab a paper, write my number on it and slip it into the wrapping of the sandwich

This might be the worst descions I could make right now.

I head over to her table, sandwich in hand and quietly set it infront of her. Not looking back.

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