~Secrets in Tokyo pt.1~

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(Minjee POV)

(The day after they Facetimed)

The flight to Japan is today, as much as I wanted to talk to Minyoung all night I had to pack my things or else my company would KILL me. She's so cute, and witty, and kind. I wonder what she thought about me?

I had a dream we met at a hotel in Japan, We watched movies and talked for hours. I even kissed her before I woke up to my alarm beeping at me.

I can't be having these thoughts. She probably doesn't even like me. We shouldn't like each other.

She's an irisistible urge that I have to control, Like not calling her after I finished packing, Like not talking to her on this plane, Like asking myself why I gave her that sandwich.

That stupid sandwich.

It was just a sandwich.

It had your fricking number in it Kwang Minjee what do you mean it was just a sandwich idiot? 

It wasn't just a sandwich.

A Not So Simple Sandwich so to say,

Why am I thinking about the sandwich now.

The damage is done. I can't take that back.

Do I want to take it back?

Yes...? Right? 

No. I don't regret it.

When I talked to her I felt like I was in a hypnotic trance. With every word she said feeling deeper in trance. A good trance. A happy one. I haven't felt that happy in a while.

So what is really so wrong right now?

I'm to tired to deny myself her right now.

"Pabo-Ya! What the frick are you doing!? We have to go in 30 minutes!" Seungmin says 

Oh yeah. I'm not even dressed I'm just sitting on my bed.

"Sorry, sorry, yeah I'll be ready in a minute, just a second-"

I'm interrupted my Jakson the Maknae of our group.

"What are you even doing in here..? We're going to be late because of you Hyung" He says.

I can tell that they are holding back on killing me right here.

"Yeah what you were doing in here?" Seungmin asks with suspicioun,

"I-" yet again I'm interrupted this time by our eldest member; Sangneul 

"I will bet money that he was watching porn" Sangneul says with a cheeky grin.

Everybody bursts out laughing except for me.

"I wasn't guys!, just let me get ready I'll be out in a minute." I say despretly trying to get them to leave.

It's to early for this.

"Ok, Ok...  If you weren't  watching porn, Then what were you doing?" Seungmin asks me like you would asking a murder suspect.

"I'll tell you later if you guys leave and let me get dressed ok?" I'm just getting desperate at this point.

Sangneul was about to say "fine" until Jakson awkwardly said it for him, trying to sound tough but just sounding adorable while Seungmin closed the door.

I quickly get my clothes on and prepare for the long flight.

I can trust them with this. We know the deepest darkest secrets about each other. Like the fact that Jakson is bi....We are the only people who know that.




Moving on!

(A/N: this a bit of a long chapter but I wanted to keep it as his POV so we're just gonna pretend this isn't abnormally long ok? ok.) 

On the plane

We just got on the plane 

I feel their curious stares on me as soon as we sit down without even looking at them

We always have to ride private-planes because of obvious sasaeng reasons. Jakson has a fear of sleeping on planes because when we used to fly public he would be the target of sasaengs  filimg him and so much worse when he slept on planes. I don't blame him for that fear, that's fricking creepy.

We sit down and I imeaditlly get hit with a 'sooooo' from them in unison.

"Fine," I say and take a deep breath.

"Seungmin, so you know Minyoung, right?"

"Of course! She's like a sister to me! What about her?" Seungmin asks while the other members just listen eagerly.

"You guys know the thing that happened to her right?" I ask and they nod their heads.

"So I uhm- may or may not have given her my number through an Inkigayo sandwich.."

Everybody's in shock except for Seungmin who is just laughing his head off.

"I've known Minnie since she was 10! We are basically family, I comforted her when she cried, She always helped me with dancing, I was really shy and she forced me out of comfort zone. I know her parents. We try to see each other as often as we can. We grew up together. I tried to kiss her when we were 14 and she rejected me but we don't talk about that! She is practically my sister. So you're basically trying to date my sister! And me and you are practically brothers, so if we use this logic, its incest. That's illeagal. I'm arresting you man. Have a good time in jail"


What the fridge does that even mean..?

The fact that he calls her Minnie and is that close with her makes me a bit jealous of him. not the sister part, gross I'm not into incest or the part where he rejected her either, I just want to be as close to her as he is.

There's a moment of awkward silence of us trying not laugh until I continue,

"Anyway, I was really nervous, I was questioning everything I was as an Idol. Then supringly she called me." 

"Then What!?" Jakson says, I think he might be a little to into this but who am I to judge?

"Then the call went preety well, I don't think she likes me though...I don't really know honestly, but her favorite color is Periwinkle." I say with a smile just thinking about her and the facetime

"I lowkey ship it though.." Sangneul says while siping on his drink

I suddenly get a notification from my phone

Its a text from Minyoung

It says:

Sun Minyoung:                                                                                                                                                                         hey can I call you?

Minjee:                                                                                                                                                                                        (Typing) 

To be continued...

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