~What are you doing here?~

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(Minjee POV)

I wake up to Seungmin sitting next to me on his phone,

"Thank god you woke up! I was getting worried I would have to wake you up! The plane lands in 10 minutes. You two were talking for soo long last night, I wonder what you guys were doing. The manager was worrying you were dead this morning. He was going to take your phone but I distracted him. You would've been dead if he saw the things about Minyoung, You're welcome" He says not breaking his eyes of his phone.

"Thanks man, I really owe you.."

I can barely take another breath before he says; 

"Yes! You owe me a lot I think you could pay-off this debt by paying for all my food while we are in Japan" I don't think there's ben an instance when Seungmin does something without expecting a reward. I'll have to ask Minyoung about that..

Oh! Minyoung, What happened? I just remember looking into her eyes and falling asleep....

I should text her later about that.

20 minutes later.

(Getting off the plane)

As soon as we get off the manager directs us to a car as screaming fans are behind us, whislt security are trying to keep them off.

When we get to the hotel I text Minyoung;

Mingee:                                                                                                                                                                                         Hey can I call u?

Minyoung:                                                                                                                                                                                   No srry im ready to get on a plane maybe later.

Minjee:                                                                                                                                                                                         Oh. where r u headed too?

Minyoung:                                                                                                                                                                                 Tokyo, where were you headed to again?

Minjee:                                                                                                                                                                                       Also Tokyo. What a coincidence! 

Minyoung:                                                                                                                                                                                   Cool that's weird. I gtg bye~~                              

(2 Days Later)

We have been doing a 4 day concert tour in Japan.

 Our 3rd day is tonight so this morning I have nothing to do. I haven't texted Minyoung in a day....

I wonder what she has been doing lately. I would love to meet her in person, especially since we're both in Tokyo. But, she's probably on the other side of Tokyo.

Plus imagine what Dispactch would do...

I'm walking down the hotel hallway alone and I see a girl,

But not just a girl.

Sun Minyoung.

Does she see me?

She's looking at her phone.

What do I do?

Why is she here?

What are the odds that we're at the same hotel?

The types of situations I get myself in....

Should I do anything?

She is about to unlock her room when she notices me and we look at each other.

We both say in unision; 

"What are you doing here?"

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