~Is this Sun Minyoung?~

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(Minjee POV)

Who the fuck is calling at this hour?

It could be sasaeng, Maybe a random bot trying to get my money. But, I secretly hope its her.


I originally gave her my number out of pity, which is honestly mean to be honest, but the more I think about her the more my heart flutters, I don't know why. 

She is preety. Definitly.




what am I even saying?

I have no chance with her. I can't even have feelings for her, we didn't even have a full conversation, These feelings are just lust because she's beutiful.

Besides, what would it even be worth? We can't date in a industry like this. What am I even saying?

I give in to my curiosity and pick up the phone.



I hear a group of girls giggling. 

That means it has to be her. Right?

None of them say anything.

Screw it. I'm saying something.

"Is this Sun Minyoung?"

one of the girls scream.

"Yes." I can hear her say.

Even her voice is beautiful

"Is this Kwang Mingee?" She says.

I smile. Maybe she researched me too? No, probably not she might have just asked one of her members.

"Uhm...Hi..uh-So..What are you doing right now.?" I can feel the nervousness through the phone. I'm nervous as something really nervous. But I can't show that Duh 

So I have to pretend to be some smooth-chill guy that I'm not. In fact my face is a tomato thats too ripe to even eat, so the bugs get to it an devour it in less than minutes. 

"Nothing, just talking to you" I say like a true smooth-chill guy. I could make a museum of my self-cringe right now. I can't tell if she can see through my fake persona.

She lets out a cute giggle that she could kill anybody with.

"Well, I'm just talking to you also." She giggles again. "Can we Facetime?" She asks.

How am I supposed to say no to her?

What are you saying Kwang Minjee get yourself together man. You can't do this. She can't do this.

I just can't resist her. Its like a forbiden candy I can't eat because I'm on a diet. Yet it tastes so good that I can't give up that sweet taste.


"Of course. How could I resist?" I say, almost cracking my voice out of pure nervousness.

"She looks like a hot mess though so be prepared." I hear one of her members say followed by minyoung telling her to shut up.

The facetime turns on.

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