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(Minyoung POV)

Why is he here?

What are the odds that we are both at the same hotel?

Apparently 100% because he's standing right in front of me.

I think is the first time we have seen each other in real life since Inkigayo, and even that was barely an interaction.

What do I say?

"Hi...." I say looking down and blushing.

That's the exact opposite of what I wanted to do.

Minyoung you had one job and that was to not be nervous. And what did you do?; You got nervous.

"Hello! Man, what are the odds that we are at the same hotel? I mean like its crazy how fate just brings us together all the time."

He says making me look up at him, and blush like a ripe Cherry. 

I giggle making him grin shyly.

"Why are you at this hotel anyway?" He asks me,

"What do you think? It was just convenient I don't know.." I respond and look into his eyes,

"It was definitely convenient. I mean I got to see you~" He tells me and we both are looking at each other.

I can feel him leaning in,

Should I?

Screw it. 

I can feel his breath on my lips, I'm blushing so much I might pass out.

I suddenly hear loud footsteps coming and I can tell he hears it too.

"I think its a manager." He says, looks up, and before I could say anything he pulls me into a room to hide.

"Shit." He says under his breath.

"What do I do?" I say, panicked.

There's a knock on the door.

"Uhm- Uh- In the closet." He says 

I listen and quickly hide in the closet.

I can't get caught like this.

I just can't.

I can hear him talking;

"Yea, Who is it?" He says nervously.

"It's Seungmin! Let me in" 

I let out a sigh of relief. 

At least its not a manager, but how will we explain this to him?

He just won't see it. I mean why would he go in the closet?


I hear Seungmin walk in the room;

"So what are you doing here.." Minjee says I can hear the nervousness in his voice. "Hey..Can I borrow that one jacket that I like; I forgot my jacket.." Seungmin asks.

I look up to see a jacket on a hanger,

Please don't be that jacket...

"Sorry I forgot it at home." Minjee's voice is getting shaky by the second due to nervousness.

"Liar! You were wearing it yesterday! What's the problem?" Seungmin says,

Why does he have to be so bad at lying?

What am I even doing?

"It will only be an hour~~!! It's sooo cold!! I'll just get it ok?" Before anybody has the time to even take a breath he opens the closet.

As soon as he see's me he just burst out laughing.

"Why are you in here Minyoung?" Seungmin says playfully-confused



What am I supposed to say?

"We were...." I can't come up with anything that would make sense in this situation

"I don't know? Why am I in here?" Nobody knows why I'm in here! Perfect!

"What, did you just magically wake up in Minjee's closet?" Seungmin says while laughing. 

Minjee is just observing this conversation also not knowing what to do.

"Yep. Things are very magic here." I say sarcastically.

Seungmin just gives me a "What the fuck." look.

There's a moment of silence before I decide what I'm going to do now.

"Dashi run run~~" I say as I quickly Naruto-Run past them and out the door.

The soulution to everything is always to Naruto-Run away from everything.

 But Oh my God-Jihyo That was awkward.

I'm nervous about the next time we meet together...

What's going to happen?

Didi I want that kiss?

I mean;


I did.

But what if that was a manager I couldn't have just Naruto-Run away from them.

I can't even imagine the trouble we would be in.

We could both lose our careers.....

I mean maybe we should stop seeing each other....

I haven't been this happy in a while but this about just me.

It's about him too.

And, If I really care about him then, I don't want to jepordize his career.

I don't know I should talk about this with him later.

Performing always takes my mind off of things I can't wait for our concert later....

Then I get a text from him;

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