Sean MacGuire: Somewhere Far Away

Start from the beginning

"...yeah, yeah...let's do it. I want what's best for this baby and that isn't this, all the moving and running and danger. But I do have one question" you agreed, still watching his face as if it could help you read his mind.

"Ask away" Sean nodded.

"Are you sure you want to settle down and live the domestic life?" you asked, wondering if Sean would actually be happy in that life.

"I've never been more sure of anything. You mean everything to're more important than causing trouble in the nearest town" Sean promised you, making you chuckle. This man always managed to surprise you, he really had matured since you first met him, even if he did still act like a big child at times. "Now, I have a question for you" he slipped his arms around your waist, pulling your body flush with his.

"What is it?" you asked, wrapping your arms around his neck.

"Where do you want to go? Anywhere you want, we'll make it happen" Sean asked.

"I...I don't know. I've never really had a home, always been happy just moving from place to place. Do you have any thoughts?" you confessed. You hadn't had to think about such a thing before, never having a real destination in mind.

"Somewhere far away, where we can start fresh and raise a family the way we want about Ireland?" Sean suggested, thinking about how wonderful it would be to raise his child in a town similar to the one he grew up in.

"Ireland? Can you even go back there?" your head tilted to the side slightly.

"Sure. Nobody back there cares about me, they just wanted my father, didn't care about me or my mother. I'm more wanted here than I am there. We'll be safe, I promise" Sean assured you.

"In that sounds perfect" you smiled, his idea certainly sounding appealing, as you pulled him in for a gentle kiss.

"Holy shit" Sean laughed to himself as you both parted from the kiss.

"What?" you asked, running your fingers through his hair.

"This is really happening...we're having a baby and we're leaving" Sean said, as if the realisation just hit him.

"We really are" you nodded, the two of you smiling like fools at this point.

"I already can't wait to meet them" Sean confessed, surprising himself with how excited he was to meet his new family.

"Well you have a while to wait" you reminded him with a small laugh.

" will give us time to move and find a place for them to grow up" Sean shrugged, smiling down at your stomach. He really was happy about you having his child and that was enough to put all your worries to rest and put a huge smile on your face.

"When do we leave?" you asked.

"Tomorrow? We can pack what we need and sneak out tomorrow night" Sean suggested, as long as that was alright with you.

"Sneak out?" you asked, brown furrowing slightly in confusion.

"I thought it would just be better to disappear. If we tell the others they are going to try to stop us" Sean pointed out, he was clearly seriously thinking this through.

"You're right, but I'm going to write a letter to Arthur. Let him know that we are safe and happy, that he doesn't need to worry about us. Then he can tell the others, no real details though" you nodded in agreement but you still didn't want your friends to worry about you.

"Good idea. Knowing him, he'd come lookin' for us" Sean joked, making you chuckle and nod again.

"Tomorrow night" you smiled.

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