"I was in marching band." Noh said it not as an excuse but more as a question, as thought he was asking Dove if this was the reason why he walked the way he did.

"Oh. I don't know if that influenced it. I've seen you on stage though. You change there. You stomp on sure but once the music hits you, you find a natural rhythm that's all you."

Noh blinked and thought of something. "So while they work, I want to ask you something." He made his way over, suddenly abandoning the others. Dye looked at him in surprise but didn't say anything. Ohm glanced at him too but also kept his mouth shut. Noh wasn't the type to ditch his duty like this. Ex wondered what new bug was buzzing in his head. He didn't actually want them to dance did he? The thought made him scrunch his face up in disgust. If Noh brought it up, he was going to shoot that idea down right quick.

Noh lay down next to the cutie. His eyes roved side to side as he searched for the words to start. Dove waited patiently.

"I went over to visit a friend of mine and he said something which Secret agreed with. He said I had some gift with my voice but I wasn't using it to my full potential. It's been on my mind lately."

"Why?" Noh looked at him to clarify. "Why has it been on your mind?"

"Well actually he's said this before but it never bothered me. This time though, I sort of felt like I may be lacking something?"

"Your searching for yourself." Noh looked over sharply in surprise. The words were like a slap. Not a painful slap like when you were punished but more like a casual wack from a friend you didn't see coming.

"I was you three years ago. I entered a competition and won. I went to represent Thailand in several competitions and after it was all over, I felt a little lost. I think I lost sight of my love for dance a little so I went to my mom and cried like a big old baby. She was shocked. I'm a very independent guy you know.

"Then she made cookies, sat me down and asked me how much I believed in myself. She said in every person there is always a little seed of doubt. Sometimes we lose sight of our goal and it takes control. There's all this second guessing and negative emotions. The things we love begin to feel alien." 

Noh nodded slowly. He knew that feeling well. 

"It may not be that bad for you right now because you have people you trust around you and you believe in them so you believe in yourself by extension. She took me down to the basement. I had my studio there. She said just dance. She reminded me that I always said that I danced for myself first right? I just had to close my eyes and trust my body. It kne3w what to do. It had been doing this for years, since before I could even walk properly."

"So I just have to trust my voice? That's easy, I think."

Dove snorted. "Once you add things like "I think" your letting the seed of doubt in. Your voice has been there your entire life. You have used it in school and to perform oven before you trained it peroperly. I bet you train every day."

"Yes. My mom taught me and I can't help it. I have to practice."

"Right. You voice knows what to do, but it needs your brain and your heart too. Your brain gives it the words and your heart gives it the feeling. What do you think about when you sing?"

"Well the words." Noh said after a beat.

"Maybe you need to think about what those words mean to you as well. You probably think that you do. Maybe you do. Maybe you just need to concentrate more. You said it yourself right? The words are the vehicles. When you sing it should be the emotions that drive them. Not just your beautiful voice." 

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