chapter 16

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we all piled into 2 different vehicles and drove to a location to where we could meet this 'king ezekiel'. on the car ride there jesus explained to us some more about this place. this community is called 'the kingdom' and the leader's name is 'king ezekiel'. i could tell that everyone was iffy about his place, but jesus was quite enthusiastic about it.

jesus said that the 'kingdom' is right around the corner, so we don't have much further to go. "what the hell we waiting on?" dad yelled from the truck we had brought here. in the distance you could hear hoofbeats.

two men bearing bullet proof vests came riding in on horses. "who dares to tresspass on the sovereign land of the-" they started to say as they approached. "oh what the hell" i whispered loud enough to where only dad could hear me.

"oh shit. jesus is that you? who are all these people paul?" the two men asked once they saw jesus. "hi richard. nice to see you" jesus said walking over to them. "good to see you too. your friends, who are they?" the man name richard asked.

"this is rick grimes. he's the leader of a like-minded community. these are some of his people. we would like to request an audience with king ezekiel" jesus said introducing us and asking if we can see the 'king'.

richard got off his horse and started approaching us while holding a pistol. "get out of the car" he ordered our people. "you say they're a like minded community. like-minded how?" richard asked as everyone exited the vehicals.

"we live, we trade, we fight the dead. sometimes others" jesus said which clearly caught richard's attention. "okay. this is a waste of time come on lets go" dad said turning the opposite way of the group. i didn't stop him.

"maybe you're right. the king is a busy man. and its a dangerous world. we didn't usually allow a pack of strangers to waltz through our door" richard said to all of us, not just jesus. "we want to make the world less dangerous, and we are all here to show the king how serious we are about that" michonne said convincing richard.

"car stays outside. you gotta hand over your guns, and your bow" richard said directly to me. "we only have two" rick said looking over at me and nodding. i took my bow off my back, and my pistol out of my holster and handed them both to richard. rick did the same with the pistol that dad had given him.

"okay, follow me" richard said walking off, inviting us into the kingdom. hesitantly we all followed. "stay close, ya hear?" dad muttered to me. i nodded. dad was on one side of me, and carl was on the other.

we were lead into this very large community that had people everywhere. crops everywhere. everyone looked happy and safe. "they have the numbers" michonne said with a smile. "but can they fight?" rosita asked. "oh, they can fight" jesus said nodding. "maybe" dad added.

"morgan?" tara sounded from behind us. we all turned around and saw morgan standing with richard. he had left our group a while back. we were all saying our hello's when richard asked how we know each other.

"we go back to the start" rick said answering the question as morgan smiled. "well the king is ready to see you" richard said. we all followed richard and jesus into the building which we were standing in front of.

my mouth instantly dropped when we walked into the auditorium which was inside the building. "holy shit" i whispered to myself.

on the stage was the 'king'. this burly guy who had grey tinted dread locks. and beside him was chained a tiger.

an actual damn tiger.

"jesus! it pleases me to see you, old friend" the king yelled out. "it pleases him indeed" the man beside the king yelled. "jerry. please tell me what good news you bring. and these new allies you've brought me?" the king called out.

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