chapter 2

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"sit down, we're going for a ride" negan said making his way to the drivers seat of the rv. not listening, i remained standing as he cranked up the rv. "' i'm gonna kill you'. are you kidding me? did rick just see what happened, what i just did? god, your leader is a dumb piece of shit" negan said trying to make conversation.

watching me through the rear view mirror, he gave me a smile. "come on little dixon, you can keep acting tough. but we both know that deep inside, you are scared shitless and you aren't gonna do a thing" negan said with a hollow chuckle at the end. slowly i started pulling an arrow from my quiver behind me, but subtle enough to where he wouldn't notice. "after all, you are just a kid" negan then said.

in one quick motion, i got my bow off my back, got an arrow ready, and had the drawstring pulled back. at the same time, negan stood up holding a machine gun up to me. he smiled shaking his head. "damn your buttons are easy to push. but you got guts, i respect that" negan said with a hollow chuckle. the same damn hollow chuckle he does at the end of every evil remark.

"drop it" negan said softly. i didn't listen and i kept my arrow aligned with his head. negan smiled. "drop it!" he then yelled. without flinching, i held my stance. "this is gonna be fun" negan muttered with a wide grin.

"now seriously kid, drop it. i like you, and i truthfully do not want to shoot you. but i will if i have to" negan said still holding his gun up to me. slowly i lowered my bow. "now place it on the table" he softly ordered. "no" i firmly stated. "alright fine, just don't try anything else" negan said shaking his head with that hallow laugh of his.

making his way back to the drivers seat, negan took a look outside. "now would you look at that, dawn is breaking! it's a brand new day reagan! now kid, tell me your story" negan said cranking the rv up again since it turned itself off. "what do you want to know" i asked bluntly. "everything. how you and your dad found your group, how you became rick's right hand man, what's going on with you and the boy..." negan said giving me examples.

"just me in the beginning. found rick, found a group, my dad was in the group" i said giving negan a shot and blunt summary. "okay, how did you become right hand man" negan then asked as he started driving. "it just happened. rick trusts me" i answered. "what about you and the boy" negan then asked continuing to carry on the conversation. "just happened" i answered.

"come on reagan, i'm just trying to make conversation!" negan stated. "why the hell should i talk to you" i questioned. from the rear view mirror, i saw negan smile. he then let out a loud sigh and started shaking his head.

driving down the road, negan continuously hit walkers. every one he hit, the sound reminded me of abraham and glenn. anger boiled up inside of me, but i know i need to keep my temper under control. he will kill me.

randomly, negan cut off the engine and got up from his seat. all around us, i heard the moans of walkers. making his way towards me, negan sat down next to where i was standing. he pulled out rick's axe from his belt. "this, this is mine. the bow you're holding is mine. every arrow is mine. all of your people back there are mine. you are mine" negan said presenting me rick's axe. he then stood up and made his way to the rv door. opening it up, he killed the first walker there was, chuckled, and then threw the axe out of the door.

"hey reagan, go get my axe. let's be friends" he ordered. after killing another walker that made itself present, negan came over to me and pointed his bat in my face. "we will never be friends" i coldly stated. "go get my axe" negan said very harshly. i was starting to push his buttons. knowing he could kill me at any second he wanted to, i listened.

i firmly gripped my bow and the arrow i already had ready and made my way to the rv door. after stepping out, negan shut the door behind me. walkers swarmed around me. knowing i would be unable to shoot them all, i started to shove walkers off of me.

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