chapter 7

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carl and i continued walking for probably a good two hours having a few conversations here and there. i opened up to him about what happened on mine and negan's 'field trip'.

carl didn't say much when i told him what happened. i could tell that he's honestly just surprised that i made it out of that alive.

"do you hear that" carl asked me out of no where. we have been walking in complete silence for quite a while now. i listened and heard rustling of gravel a short bit away. "that's a car" i said grabbing onto carls arm and sprinting into the woods that were beside the road we were on.

"where are we going" carl asked running by my side. "away from the road, it could be negan's men" i said leading us deeper into the woods.

stopping to catch our breath, i looked up the hill and saw the hilltop gates. "let's wait a minute, just in case" carl said. "yeah" i agreed with him.

the sound of the car came closer and i stood behind a large tree pulling carl with me. with my back to the tree, i grabbed carl and pulled him closer to me where our noses were only an inch apart.

my breath hitched as i started into his blue eyes. without saying a word to each other, we kept eye contact with each other while the car passed behind us.

but to our surprise, it wasn't just one car that passed behind us. there were multiple, and from the sounds of it, they were large trucks instead of cars.

'negan' carl mouthed to me. i nodded. we waited another minute until the sound of the trucks were far away. "okay, i think we're good" i said softly to carl.

"yeah" carl said backing away from me. disappointment sounded in his voice, but i honestly couldn't tell why. " i think there's a backroad that leads to the gates" i said pointing to a clearing that was a short distance away.

" i'll take your lead" carl said with a small smile. "like always" i said grabbing onto his hand and leading him to where i saw the clearing.

once we got to the clearing within the woods, there was a narrow dirt road that lead to the back side of the hilltop walls. when taking a better look, i saw negan's trucks wide open. but none of negan's men were there.

an idea then struck me. i knew there was a secret back exit to the hilltop. taking the back exit would allow carl and i to get into the hilltop without being seen.

"are you thinking what i'm thinking?" carl asked me also looking up at the hilltop wall. "depends, is your idea gonna get us killed?" i asked not-so-jokingly. "yeah probably" carl admitted.

"take the back entrance, hide in the truck that has all our guns. take out anyone who stops us" i said explaining my plan to carl. "let's do it" carl said with a sigh.

"hold up" i said letting go of his hand. taking my bow off of my back, i grabbed an arrow from my quiver and got my bow ready. "just incase" carl said and i nodded.

keeping our eye on negan's trucks, we walked up the hill together and made it to the back of the wall. "in there" i whispered gesturing my head towards the dug out that was covered by a small metal shed.

carl opened the top for me since i had my bow currently equipped. carefully i stepped in the dug out and turned to look behind me to make sure carl was coming. he make it into the dug out carefully closing the top behind him.

"here" carl whispered stepping in front of me to open the next cover that's within the walls. "let me go first" i whispered. he nodded and then opened the covering for me.

taking a quick look at my surroundings, i saw that it was clear. so i turned to carl and nodded my head to let him know it was safe.

"ok we need to hurry and find the truck that has the guns" he whispered. i nodded and we both started running to the trucks. a

after quickly looking into a few of the trucks, we eventually found the truck that had all of our guns from alexandria in it. "go, go" i whispered looking around us. carl listened and jumped into the back of the truck first.

quickly i jumped in also. "let's hide in the back" carl said quietly pointing to an open spot that we could both fit in. i put the arrow i had equipped back into the quiver and slung my bow onto my back.

i grabbed two guns and handed one to carl. "don't use it yet, not unless they see us" i whispered. he nodded and i made my way to where he was already hiding.

"you have a plan?" carl whispered in my ear. "yeah. but for now we gotta wait" i whispered back

we waited for a good hour in silence. negan's men never came to the truck we were in since they had previously wiped hilltop of all their ammo.

going down the road, i tried to memorized each turn we made just incase carl and i needed to get out of this. the back of the truck did not have a door, so if we needed to jump out we could.

the silence of going down the road was disrupted by someone jumping into the back of the truck. carl and i looked at each other with wide eyes. but once i took a better look at the person, i saw that it was jesus.

'jesus' I mouthed to carl beside me as jesus opened a bottle of wine and started pouring it out of the back of the truck. carl let out a quiet sigh of relief. "hey" i called out. jesus quickly shot his head to where carl and i were standing.

jesus started at carl and i with a worried expression on his face. "what are you guys doing" jesus asked carl and i. "we could ask you the same thing" carl said right as the truck stopped moving.

jesus's eyes widened and carl and i ducked back down to where we were hiding. quickly jesus ran to carl and i's hiding spot and joined us.

the two guys that were hiding in the truck went to the back to have a lunch break. they talked about random shit for a few minutes before deciding to hit the road again.

once the truck started moving again, the three of us left our hiding spot. jesus used syrup as a trail marker as we continued down the road.

"we should bail out, follow the rest of the way, see what we can see" jesus said to carl and i looking out of the truck. " i-uh-how?" carl asked with concern in his voice.

"it isn't usually the fall that gets us. it's trying to fight it. run with it, or roll with it. the truck's going slow enough. we'll be in the blind spot. we can race behind one of the other cars" jesus said explaining his plan. that's not my plan, i want to go to where negan lives.

"if-if i screw up and we get caught-" carl started. "it'll be fine. we just got to go now" jesus said looking out of the car.

carl looked over at me for approval and i shook my head no, this wasn't the plan. "can you show us first?" i asked jesus.

jesus nodded and then jumped out the back of the truck. carl and i went over to the edge to see if jesus was okay.

when we saw that he was, i waved goodbye to him and carl joined me.

"so we're going to negan?" carl asked me. "we're going to negan" i confirmed.

something weird happened and my phone and mac book didn't link up so part of the chapter got cut out. sorry guys!

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