Chapter Fourteen: Epilogue

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Time flies.

The hot sun of the end of May was shining; no clouds spotted the bright blue sky. The only cool places were the stone of the castle and shadow huge trees offered next to the humid lake's surroundings.

"Why are they looking at you?"

You didn't even open your eyes and move your arm to make him hush.

"They're not, Draco."

He huffed: "They are. I think I recognize Colin Creevey in the lot; I swear to you, if he tries to- Can't he go and piss Potter instead?"

You obliged to open your eyes and raised your hands to grab his face and make him look at you.

Students were relaxing and enjoying the last moments of good weather before exams. Draco was currently back against a tree, your back against his chest; making his face appear upside down for you as you lifted your head.

Kissing in the middle of the Quidditch pitch right before your team took Ravenclaw with 210 points against 30 had electrified everyone; but Draco Malfoy from Slytherin going out with y/n y/l/n from Gryffindor had quickly become the new attraction of the whole school. The first week had been rather funny; first and second-years making room for you to pass in the corridors like you were a royal couple, Snape looking at you being the only Gryffindor/Slytherin pair in Potions class like you were an anomaly, Pansy's taint turning the same colour as the inside of her robes when she laid eyes on you or Harry thanking you for dragging the attention away from him and Crabbe and Goyle not paying attention to you anymore being quite comical, but it started to be heavy.

Luckily in a way, exams were approaching and everyone's mind got dragged in their books.

But one thing put you into the light again; the Quidditch Final against Hufflepuff.

This afternoon.

Further away, Colin Creevey was painting first-years' faces with red and yellow squares, his camera dangerously threatening to fall in the lake under his huge movements.

"Swelling solution."

You blinked. "What?"

"I should have made a Swelling Solution. I've been stupid, we learnt how to make one during our second year."

He squinted as an enemy was in front and said: "I wonder if Cedric perfect smile Diggory would still be able to brag on his broom with his hands and throat taking the size of his pride. I could have poured it in his tea this morning."

You rolled your eyes as you sat, trying to repress your smile the best you could. "Draco, no one is going to poison anyone here."

He hummed with deception and you turned; from where you were, you could see people arriving in mass in the arena.

"I think I should go if I don't want Wood to yell at me."

Your thoughts softened though when you acknowledged it would be his very last match, and a rush of adrenaline took you with the want of offering him the cup.

Some students threw you looks when they saw you reach for the pit holding hands, some whispering things in their ears. You let go of each other when you entered Gryffindor's changing room, greeted by the twins: "So! Your bodyguard left you y/n?"

Fred took you by the shoulders and added: "Is it possible to book Crabbe and Goyle one day? We need two people to test one of our inventions."

You rolled your eyes and they let go of you when Wood said it was time to enter the pitch. He was whiter than usual, and even Fred and George didn't say anything. The seven of you entered the pitch under a round of applause at the same time as the Hufflepuff team. Once Cedric had shaken hands with Oliver and Madam Hooch had whistled, you all stomped feet at the same time. Harry winked at you before rising higher than the others, operating circles in the sky, Diggory mirroring him.

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