Chapter Nine: Quidditch

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An external person would certainly find the scene very funny.

You all were having breakfast in the Great Hall, on a background of talking people, cutlery noises and flapping wings of owls bringing letters and packaging to their owners here and there.

Each of you – except Hermione – were dressed in your Quidditch outfits; this morning Ron would pass his tests to enter the team. His plate was still full in front of him, eyes lost in the vague, paler than usual.

Next to you, Hermione was eating, hands clutched tight around her fork, elbow on the table and her back half-turned to you. You don't know how – but had an idea – she learnt about your escaping this night and was deeply mad for... well for a lot of reasons she didn't miss to tell you after drowning herself in silence.

And in front of you, Harry, clueless.

You cleared your throat to – try to – break the thick atmosphere: "Ron, you should eat. Doing a physical exercise stomach empty is not good-"

"Guys – and lady –, we're in deep trouble."

Oliver Wood came at your level and put his hands on his hips. It was to take his position next year that Ron was passing the tests; and the sight of him made him gulp loudly, as it was a bad sign.

He too was dressed like you, and he pushed the red and yellow tail of his top to sit next to you. "You know that we technically won the last match." Harry and you nodded.

As you got knocked out, the match stopped right after the incident. Normally the catch of the Snitch should have ended the game, but as it stopped at that moment, it had been declared that Gryffindor won, as you were leading the match when you fainted.

The Keeper sighed and put his hand flat on the table.

"Apparently, someone made sure that results were cancelled. Because the match didn't end how it is in the rules."

Harry closed his eyes and your eyes instinctively went to the head table, where Snape was sitting.

Even Hermione turned to the conversation and Ron raised eyebrows.

"Which means we have to play the match against Slytherin again, to know who's going to play against Ravenclaw."

You huffed: "But we're supposed to play against Ravenclaw in some days!"

He sadly nodded.

"So? When will this happen?"

"This afternoon."


Mist was still around and the grass still wet from morning dew as the complete Gryffindor team joined by three other people gathered in the middle of the pit.

Wood cleared his throat and started to speak, holding a Quaffle between his hands: "You all know why we're here today; to elect to next Keeper. As you know, I'm leaving Hogwarts next year, so two positions are free – but I already picked Angelina as the next Captain."

The girl took a proud face and nudged at Katie next to her.

He turned to the three students a little in retreat: Ron, Cormac McLaggen and another guy you swore you had never seen before.

"I will go up there with each of you and throw you the ball at first; simple. Got it?"

Ron – about to faint – and the third guy nodded, but Cormac seemed elsewhere, grinning and eyeing above Oliver's head.

You frowned and followed his gaze; it landed on Hermione, alone in the huge stands.

Okay, right.

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