Chapter Eleven: Draco's Detour

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Harry and you were standing in front of Snape's desk in his office, watching your feet – even though he hadn't returned yet. It has been a while you were there now, but time had lost its notion for you. You were holding your hands together in front of you, your palms covered with dry blood.

"It's from the Potions book."

You turned your face to Harry; it was the first thing he said since the spell, and it came out in a raspy plead. He shyly looked at you; he was pale, his eyes still wide opened. "The spell. I read it in the annotated Potions book I showed you. I- I didn't know what it would do, in the book it's written it's to use against enemies, I didn't know it would..."

He stopped and gulped loudly. "It's my fault. You shouldn't be here."

"I need to be with him."

Harry stuttered: "I didn't mean that, I- Stop!"

You had turned and headed towards the door. You couldn't stay in the cold place any longer; you opened the door and started to walk quickly. After hesitating a second, Harry jumped outside the room too.

You ran down the corridors towards the Hospital wing, Harry trying to keep up. "y/n, you shouldn't, it's a bad idea!"

You didn't listen to him and pushed on the double doors with all your strength, entering the room. Further, you guessed Draco's sleeping form tucked below the bedsheets – guessed, cause people were all around him. At his side, a woman was sat on a chair, holding his hand and casually caressing his hair. She had long, blond hair falling on her elegant black robes and didn't move her gaze when Harry and you entered in a loud noise.

Your attention got quickly dragged by who was standing at the end of the bed; Dumbledore himself. It was the first time you saw him since the Welcome buffet at the start of the year and your breath got caught in your throat as your eyes went on him. He stopped talking as he heard the doors, but nonetheless gave you a smile and his eyes squinted in a reassuring expression above his half-moon glasses – but this was short-lived.

The man he was talking to turned suddenly, and your whole being froze when he laid his piercing grey eyes on you. He looked angry, but his body started shaking from rage as he saw Harry behind you and connected the dots. His eyes went back on you and he started walking in huge steps, his cape flying behind him, his long blond hair not moving the slightest in his huge movements. You didn't flinch at first, anchoring your feet in the stone floor, nearly ready to fistfight if ever; but your eyes widened and you started walking backwards when he drew his wand out of his cane in a swift motion, pointing it at you. You backed up till you hit a shelf, making the glasses and flasks on it tingle.


He grabbed the collar of your shirt with one hand, pushing you into the furniture, planks entering your back. At your side, Harry was throwing worried looks to Dumbledore.

"You! What did you do to my son?"

It wasn't technically you who did it, but you didn't want to point at Harry nor were in a position to argue. His gaze lowered and he passed his wand under your tie to lift it under his eyes, the golden stripes gleaming under the light. "I saw you convince him to make Slytherin lose the game! Making him buy you the last, more powerful broomstick... And then! Nearly kill him!"

"Lucius, I don't think Miss y/l/n would have written Professor McGonagall a thank you note if she knew your son bought the Firebolt supreme." The director had talked in a soft, low voice. "She thought the school gave her a new broom after her incident."

Mr Malfoy let go of you and threw you – and Harry in the process – a despising look before turning back to the director.

Dumbledore hadn't moved at all during the scene. "Miss y/l/n did, in fact, try to save Draco with the knowledge she does have by performing several healing spells."

Lucius Malfoy went back in front of him: "If Severus hadn't arrived on time, my son would have died! Killed by these two... Gryffindors." He let the last word out with all disgust possible, like it was the worst insult he may have said.

Dumbledore said: "The spell Sectumsempra is a very complicated charm that shouldn't have ended into students' hands.", and threw Harry a discrete look. Mr Malfoy frowned at the evocation of a spell he never had heard of but darted his eyes on Harry. He hissed: "Every year, Potter, you and your stupid friends manage to win the House Cup when Slytherin should-"

"So that's it? For points? You don't even care your son got injured – you're pissed because Slytherin lost at Quidditch and points when Draco was with me." You huffed mockingly: "Were you there during the matches? Is it you who tried to hurt me?"

You're not sure you ever saw someone being possessed by anger that much; next to him, Snape would look like a kind, well-tempered man. Lucius Malfoy rose his wand and opened his mouth to cast whatever spell passed by his head when a red sparkle shot at him: Harry had just disarmed him, his wand flying behind.

As he had already reached for the maximum of anger, all he did next was clench his fists at his sides, then take a deep breath. He turned his face to Dumbledore and said in a toneless voice: "I hope they will be treated in consequence." He then bent to grab his wand and clasped it back into his cane. He muttered something and the woman you guessed was Draco's mother got up after kissing him on the forehead. All along he walked towards the exit, you darted your defying gaze on him, but he didn't look at you.

In a matter of seconds, you were alone in the Hospital wing with Harry and Dumbledore, as you readied yourself to receive the worst detention treat ever; or worse, being expelled.

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