Chapter Five: Snape's Grudge

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The Gryffindor changing room was full, excitation mixed with stress filling the place.

You stood up after tying your shoes, but quickly bent as a purple spark shot towards your head. You threw the twins a look as Fred raised his hands in a surrendering way and George hid his wand behind his back. You heard Oliver Wood hiss loudly and pass next to you running, holding his ass.

You headed to the exit next to them as you rolled your eyes, moving the rough material of the tent to the side to get out.

You breathed the cold air to calm your nerves as you heard someone approach you from behind.

You turned.



Ron nudged at you and brought you back to reality. You were thinking about the dream you made last night and stopped paying attention at some point, but you shook your head and blinked; Snape was looking at you and a shiver ran down your spine, but luckily he carried on talking as if nothing happened and you released a breath.

But a sudden idea seemed to cross his mind and his gaze went back on you, his lips lightly curling into a mischievous smirk: "y/l/n, seen that you paid attention to what I said very well, could go to the cupboard where I keep the extra ingredients to grab the one I insisted on?"

You gulped. He rose his hand: "But before you leave the class, I am going to rearrange your pairings."

A wave crossed the room.

"As today's potion is harder than usual, I decided to place weak students with... more talented."

A not hidden excitation passed on his face, and you thought it was one of the scariest things you had ever seen.

"That's why I decided to make Gryffindor-Slytherin pairs."

Ron rolled his eyes and you saw Neville grasp at his chair in front of you.

Snape started to randomly pronounce names together – Hermione ending with Crabbe, Harry with Draco and Ron with a boy twice his frame.

Snape's gleaming eyes under his power move stopped on you: "y/l/n and Parkinson."

He carried on and you got up to meet the black-haired girl. Two days ago, she had been proud in front of you; now you swore she was getting closer to the wall as you had drunk a Fire-Breathing Potion.

You didn't have time to sit down before you heard your name being pronounced in a cold voice nearly whispered: Snape had come towards you so discretely you hadn't heard him. "Don't forget what I asked you."

"Right, Sir."

You went to get out of the room when Pansy's high-pitched voice hailed the teacher: "Professor, can I go with my partner?"

Both you and Snape turned your head in a sudden movement and frowned – you nearly exchanged a look to know if you had heard well.

He hummed after considering it: "Right. It will certainly shorten y/l/n's trip."

Then he left you.

Both of you left the room and headed towards the cupboard, crossing the corridors in silence, a meter between your bodies. You glanced at her from the corner of your eye from time to time as you weren't at ease due to this sudden urge from her to accompany you, but decided not to complain – you had no idea where Snape's cupboard was at all.

After some minutes walking, she pointed at a wooden door: "Here it is."

As it was closer to you than her, you opened the door; the room was drowned in darkness and you entered. You huffed: "I see it smell like the dun-"

The little light from the outside vanished as the door violently slammed shut behind you. You jumped back to it and palmed the material: you guessed the doorknob and turned it, but it didn't open.

"Pansy, it's not funny! Open this door right now."

You swore; of course that's why she proposed to come with you. Did she plan all of that?

Anyway, the time wasn't at speculations. You grabbed your wand and stepped back as you tried to remember the spell to open doors when you felt something circling your ankles.

You took a breath as the thing started to ascend your legs.


You opened wide eyes: something that looked like dark-green lianas tightened around your legs, and you had no time acknowledging what was going on that a third one grabbed you around the waist and dragged you against the wall.

You luckily didn't let go of your wand, but let out a scoff as your back hit the cold stone. You shouted: "Pansy, open this door right now! Someone!"

The castle was huge, but you prayed one of the many people wandering there would pass and hear the fuss.

As you moved your body, you noticed that the plant got back slightly where the light was. You linked the facts and pointed at it, making it retract.

You smiled under the effect but not for so long.

In front of you, several lianas rose and threatened to dive on you like a huge hand. Your brain was racing and you didn't hesitate as fear took you.

Your rose your wand and yelled: "Repulso!"

White and red lights sparkled from your wand and the plant crashed against the door in a violent thud, making it get out of his tracks.

The plant didn't seem to be hurt, but shyly retracted and went flat on ground, letting you go in the process.

You jumped outside the room and bent hands on your knees as you caught your breath, but a heavy breathing made you lift your head: Pansy was sat against the opposite wall, a hand on her chest. She grinned at you for a second before her face contorted in feigned hurt.

"What the-"

"Miss y/l/n? What is going on there?"

On your left, Professor McGonagall was walking quickly towards you, a hand on her tight bun as a lock threatened to fall. You noticed now the Transfiguration class was a bit further, and that she certainly heard the explosion; heads of first years were passing by the door, watching you curiously.

You hadn't the time to answer as you heard steps coming from the other side; Snape, with his black cape, seemed to hover towards you fists clenched at his sides.

He didn't say a word and eyed Pansy, then you, squinting as he seemed to understand something that didn't happen. He looked more furious than usual and spat out with a freezing calm: "Fifty points from Gryffindor."

You opened wide eyes and opened your mouth to argue when McGonagall suddenly said: "Severus!"

The three of you remembered her presence and looked at her.

"We don't even know what happened! You cannot remove points like that without explanations."

You silently thanked the Sorting Hat and looked back at him. His Adam apple bobbled in his throat and he hissed: "Alright. But the thing is, I don't want to hear a single excuse from you – he pointed at you – anymore today." He added: "Let's say that you fell on the only room in Hogwarts where a Devil's Snare is." He stopped as he thought: "Only if... What about you help Madam Pince to rearrange the library this evening, y/l/n?"

You closed your mouth and bit the inside of your mouth as he gave you detention, but put in the look you threw him all your resentment. In a way, you preferred that than losing fifty points.

Pansy seemed to have slipped out of her role as she bit her lip delightfully; what didn't go unnoticed by your headteacher. "And Miss Parkinson, as I am teaching first-years to transform ginger rabbits into cups full of orange juice; I think my class would need a good cleaning."

She gave the Slytherin a quick nod of the head and went back in her class, clapping in her hands to draw students back in it.

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