Chapter One: The Beginning

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Everything around you was peaceful.

Sensations were slowly coming back at you, and you could feel the soft, cool bedsheets of the bed you were laying on. On the background, little noises could be heard; but they seemed far and nearly rocked you back to sleep...

But something inside you, you don't know what, made you open your eyes. The light was dim, but you had to blink and squint at first, like your eyes weren't used to actually see anymore and needed adaptation. You were right next to a huge window, and could see the day was falling. You turned your face; candle lights were illuminating the room, the flames reverberating on the stone wall.

There were other beds filling the room, but just two were busy further, and people in it seemed to sleep deeply. Were you in the hospital wing?

You shook your head; you recognized the place you were in but couldn't figure out why you would have ended up there. You tried to remember your last memory, but it felt like you were trying to figure out a black hole. And who were you with? There again, no way of thinking about someone.

Panic started to take you, so you turned to the night table next to you to grab a potential glass of water but raised your eyebrows as soon as your eyes landed on it.

The little piece of furniture was covered with colourful boxes, plates with sweets, and piles of Get Well Soon cards. You extended your arm, and after what seemed an eternity of your fingers learning back to grab something, you caught one of them.

You opened it and coughed: a purple powder got out of it, some coming in your face in a bitter scent – or was it your nose not used to smell? – and creating a little purple cloud in front of your eyes. Red sparks popped from it, drawing "Go, Super-Chaser!" in the air.

All of a sudden, everything disappeared.

You put the paper back on the nightstand and went to take support on your elbow-


You let yourself fall back on the pillow as the room around you started to turn and a violent headache took you.

You clamped your hand on your forehead and your face contorted in pain when you heard steps on the stone floor approaching you.

"Miss y/l/n! I see you came back!"

You opened your eyes the best you could and saw a grey-haired woman coming next to you, a huge transparent glass full of a greenish mixture, bubbles forming and exploding at the surface. "Drink this Miss, you'll feel better."

Your brain wasn't in the position of thinking nor resisting, so you propped yourself the straightest you could and took the glass to drink, helped by the matron.

The liquid sliding down your taste buds and throat was nearly as painful as the headache, and you couldn't drink more than five sips before getting back to cough. The woman took back the glass before the rest spilt and the floor and said: "Hum, it's okay for now, but you'll have to drink the rest before the end of the day. If-"


You sat straighter against the wall and the matron turned: you were able to notice four people at the entrance, but in three seconds two ginger storms rushed on you and didn't give you time to process what was going on.

"We knew you were awake!"

"Because of the card!"

You eyed them at each side of your bed; they were two, but everything in them was alike - you thought you were seeing double – you swore their voices were the same too.

"See Fred, I was right to place the card above the rest; so she would open it first and alarm us it had been unfolded!"

"Of course you were right George. I had the idea."

They started arguing on who had the idea first and you looked at them like you were watching a duel. The matron at your side coughed and you remembered her existence: "You know very well not more than three visitors are allowed in the hospital wing, young men."

The twins stopped rambling and one of them gave you a gentle tap on the shoulder: "Well, we let you with the others then – we hope we will see you soon on the pitch again!"

"Yep, Super-Chaser!"

The matron opened her mouth to answer their assured statement but both of them went at her side and grabbed her arms, saying in unison: "Madam Pomfrey, would you take us to the exit?", the poor woman having no other choice than follow their lead. The three of them left your side just as two other people passed next to them. You vaguely looked at them, thinking they were going to see somebody else, but frowned as both of them looked at you with wide smiles and seemed to walk towards you – and you couldn't recognize them.

The first to reach for your bed and sit on the edge strangely made you think about the twins; certainly because of his red hair. "Bloody hell y/n, you know you freaked us out!"

You looked at him with wide eyes. You were lost and didn't understand a single thing that had just happened. He extended his hand towards you but you got back, freaking out as your brain was receiving too much information at the same time.

"Ron, I think she doesn't recognize us."

Both of you looked at the girl that came next to you: she passed her hand through her messy hair and eyed you with compassion. She took a softer voice and said: "Hi, I'm Hermione." She pointed at the boy sat on your bed. "And this is Ron. We're in the same house as you. We're friends."

You nodded and released a breath; finally information you could take – but it felt like she was talking to a six-year-old child.

The girl puffed: "It's weird, I feel like we went back years ago in the Hogwarts Express."

"Excuse me, but..." You gulped; it was the first words you said since.... Since when? – and your voice was a bit raspy. You cleared your throat: "You're right, I don't remember anything. Everything that happened before I woke up seems like a big black hole."

Ron's eyes widened and he let out in a freaked-out voice: "Oh no, you think you've been obliviated?"

You frowned as you didn't seize what he said and Hermione rolled her eyes: "No Ron, she didn't, it's just amnesia. She will find memories back little by little." She looked back at you: "But don't worry, we will help you out."

You nodded and your lips drew a shy smile. Their kindness heated you, and you nearly felt ashamed to not remember them. The ginger boy asked: "You mean, you don't remember anything? At all?"

You opened your mouth to answer but Hermione said: "Well, you're lucky it happened some months before the exam- What?" She stopped at the look Ron threw her and you scoffed, before saying: "No. Well, it's a bit weird because I don't feel unfamiliar with the place." You eyed the room and turned your face to watch outside: it was nearly all dark now, but the fields and the lake you could spot further reassured you.

You turned back to them: "It's just..." You passed a hand at your neck. "Just you people. I'm sorry, it's just..."

Ron patted gently on the mattress: "It's right. Well, the two guys who nearly gave you a heart attack earlier are my brothers."


"You know them cause you're in the team with them."

He took a breath as he noticed your expression. "Wait, don't tell me you don't even remember Quid-"

"Ron!" The brown-haired girl motioned him to get up. "I think we should let her sleep now, it's late and she needs to rest." The boy got up and hummed. "You're right. See you tomorrow anyway!"

Both of them waved at you and left the place.

The last ten minutes had been the more exhausting ones of your life and you yawned loudly. You went to lay down but a cold shiver ran down your spine when you saw Madam Pomfrey approach you with the disgusting potion in her hands.

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