Chapter Three: The Potions Master

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You tightened your cape around you, the cold atmosphere of the dungeon making you shiver.

You were sat next to a cauldron, Ron next to you. Hermione and Harry were standing in front of you, chatting before the start of the class.

"y/n, do you remember Snape?"

When Hermione told you your morning class was Potions, the teacher and some memories of the lesson came back at you fluidly.

Ron scoffed and tucked his hands in his pockets as he balanced himself on his chair to make his feet rest on the edge of the cauldron: "I mean, how to forget him, right."

You heard steps on the stone floor and turned; two Gryffindors entered, waving at you before taking place at the cauldron next to you.

At the end of breakfast, Hermione had lectured you about every student of your house, and you were sure you knew now more about them than before your amnesia.

Neville grabbed something from his inside pocket and turned to the group: "Hey Harry, look at this. My grandma sent me one this morning. Remember?"

He was holding cautiously a little ball made of glass between his fingers.

"I thought you already had a Remembrall?"

"Yes, but this one is a new model. Apparently, it stays suspended in the air under gravity. Gran says it could be useful if it falls off my pocket when I fly."

Hermione frowned, not convinced.


He put the ball in the palm of his hand and threw it high, your six pairs of eyes following it.

Once high in the air, it started its descend and Neville's smile started to fade away as the ball didn't really seem to resist gravity.

The whole scene seemed to happen in slow motion as your mouths fell and a cold shiver ran down Neville's spine.

"Arresto Momentum!"

Hermione had gotten her wand out and casted the spell as fast as she could: the ball lowered its fall only some centimetres away from the ground and landed cautiously. Its round shape made it roll further in the room, eliciting a scratching glass noise.

"Congrats, Neville. You nearly broke your second Remembrall."

Dean Thomas clapped in his hands mockingly and Neville puffed – but was quite relieved it didn't break and thanked Hermione in a whisper. You nudged at Ron as you got up, motioning him you were going to pick it up.

You followed the path the ball made and eyed the room; you spotted the shiny material tucked below a cauldron, a bit further. As you headed to it, you saw there was someone already sitting behind it that you hadn't noticed in the dim light; he was head bent and lifted it as he heard you approach.

You quickly recognized him: it was one of those guys who were accompanying Draco this morning. You pointed at the Remembrall as you crouched: "I'm just taking this." You didn't know why you felt you had to justify yourself, maybe because the guy had a quite threatening attitude this morning; but strangely he looked more like a dear in bright lights as he eyed your form right now.

You frowned as you grabbed the light artefact in your hand.

"Are you alright?"

The light was bad but his gulping movement was so emphasized you noticed it. He opened his mouth and muttered: "So-"

"Hey y/n, what are you doing?"

You quickly got up and turned after glancing at him one last time; all Gryffindors were looking at you as you took time to bring back Neville's object.

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