Chapter Twelve: Felix Felicis

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It has been four days than the accident happened; four days that Draco was still in the hospital wing. Every day between and after each class you left as soon as you could to come at his side, hoping he would wake up; but he didn't. You couldn't help but playing the minutes before the match in your head again and again, connecting the dots with events that happened afterwards; but you saw nothing.

Every evening, you came back late from his bedside to go back to the tower, under the concerned looks of your friends. Ron discretely stole food from the Great Hall and Hermione managed to keep you thirty minutes in the day with her for you to do your homework, but that's the only interaction you had with your friends. Well, with Gryffindors at all; they weren't mean or whatsoever, but they knew you spent a lot of time with Draco Malfoy, a Slytherin and the most hated one, who also appeared to be another Quidditch team Seeker.

You had once said in Hermione's ear: "They should be glad we didn't make the house lose points."

Speaking of him; things were different with Harry. You knew he didn't know the effect of the Sectumsempra, but you couldn't help but act coldly with him. Plus, when Dumbledore had apparently managed to save your ass, Harry hadn't had the same luck with Snape; he was in detention with him every single evening for two weeks. The situation did that you had barely seen him since the hospital wing events – he had just shyly approached you once after a class to tell you he had gotten rid of the annotated Potions book.

You had a paper to give back for tomorrow for your Transfiguration class, and you were still busy on it when the common room emptied itself. You went from a table to the couch in front of the firepit to end your homework, but the comfy material and the heat of the flames quickly made you fall asleep on your books.

Hours passed and the fire had died in the pit when you felt someone shake your shoulder.

You muttered: "Harry, go to sleep, leave me alone..."

The grip on your shoulder intensified and you were forced to open your eyes, but started before: "Listen, just go to sl-"

The moonlight only enlightened the room, so the person kneeling next to you; you could see the half of his face alone, his blond hair a bit ruffled, in a hospital gown under his cape.

Your heart tightened in your chest and you stuttered: "How- How did you enter? Who gave you the password?"

He blinked under surprise. "Wait... It's not you?" You looked at him, not getting it. "There was a paper on my nightstand." He took something from his pocket, wincing a bit as the contortion hurt him, and handed it to you. On a small parchment that you inclined under the natural light, in a dark blue ink, was written Tapeworm, the Gryffindor's common room code to enter. You looked at each other. You were very awake now. He broke the silence: "I found that in the pocket of my cape too."

He grabbed it and presented it to you in his palm: a little flask with a molten gold liquid shone under the moonlight.

"Should we drink it?"

He didn't say anything, not sure of what to do.

You weren't either; absolutely nothing advised you to drink a mysterious liquid from a flask a mysterious person had put in Draco's pocket. So, of course, you took it from him, opened the cap and drank it at once. Draco's eyes widened at your sudden action and eyed you.

You waited a bit, but didn't feel anything. You frowned: "It strangely tastes like water."

He opened his mouth to say something but stopped as you suddenly got up from the couch and walked towards to door.

The portrait opened and you jumped into the corridor, before coming to a halt, soon joined by Draco. You put your hands on your hips and looked right and left. You felt a bit giddy, but at the same time, everything seemed clear. It was like your senses were screaming you what to do and made you follow the path they wanted you to take.

Draco Malfoy and the Gryffindor ChaserDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora