He ignored her, continuing to chew his minty gum as he scrunched his nose. "French?"

"Yes," she said haughtily, defending herself. "And it would probably do you some good to think of something other than yourself for once."

"I think of you, sometimes." He smirked, lowering his voice, and she blushed further.

"I meant your future," she said quickly, crossing her arms, growing flustered. "How else are you going to remember the insights offered by the languages of the world?"

"I remember them well enough, Travers," he said, quirking a brow.

Alice blinked, remembering where they sat. "Why are you even here?"

"January offers are coming up," he said, shrugging.

This piqued her interest.

"You're applying for university?" She paused, laughing to herself. "Well, of course you are. Our parents would never allow otherwise."

"Right," he said, clearing his throat. He avoided her gaze, and her eyes widened with realisation. She was always good at spotting when Finn was hiding something.

"Cauley." She turned to him. "What will you be studying?"

"Studying?" he paused, his eyes falling to the floor.

Alice blinked. It was a rare occasion that Finn Cauley was speechless. "Is it something embarrassing, then? Let me guess... gynaecology?"

She paused, smiling, waiting for him to laugh, but he didn't. Instead, he dragged his eyes up to meet hers, his cheeks pink.

"English literature, actually."

Alice's eyebrows rose. A moment passed. She hadn't expected that.

"Literature," she repeated slowly.

"Right," he said. "Mrs Riddle thinks I've got potential."

"But your parents," Alice said finally, furrowing her brow.

"They'd never allow it." He laughed, shaking his head, though his eyes flashed with hurt. "It doesn't hurt to try, though, right? I mean, USYD already accepted me for business in the December rounds. I'd might as well try for something else in these last ones."

"To try," she parroted, blinking. She'd never considered going against her parents' wishes for her future.

Alice's life had been planned out for her before she was even born.

First, she'd graduate from Sierra Grammar, just like her father. Top of her class. Then, she'd attend ANU, majoring in business. She'd spend a year interning in Paris, and then inherit her father's business. She'd take over the French branch, live there for a while, until her parents would marry her off to a wealthy family friend.

Then, her husband would take over the business as she moved onto other ambitionslike having children and spending a fortune on ugly designer clothes.

That was Alice's life. Start to end.

She'd accepted it... when? When had she decided she'd follow her parents' plan? When had she agreed not to create her own ambitions? Her own dreams and goals?

She couldn't remember.

Suddenly, Alice felt very small sitting beside Finn talking about their future.

"What about you?" Finn said finally, breaking the silence.

Alice blinked slowly, her voice weak. "ANU," she said blandly. "Business major."

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