💚A Creative Bean You Are💙

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Louis comes home to find Sister Christine waiting for him on the couch, talking to Harry and Zayn.

"Mama!" He squeals and runs into her arms. "Vous m'avez manqué." (I missed you.) He says, telling her he missed her.

"How are you, Lou?" The nun asks and the boy mumbles something that she misses. He pulls back and wipes his tears and Niall instantly hugs him.

"Aw, Boobear, don't cry." He coos and Louis nods, telling him that he's fine.

"I brought all your articles and some of your remaining clothes." Sister Christine says and Louis nods. She looks at Harry and the taller one nods before getting up along with Zayn.

"C'mon, Chubs, let's go for a walk." They pull Niall along and soon the three of them are out of the house.

"So, how is it? Having a new house and a new family?" Sister Christine asks, petting Louis' hair.

"It's nice. Everyone is very lovely here. I even made friends in school... they're called 'The Troop'." Louis giggles. "Like, the group of monkeys. They are all amazing, Mama. Today a girl even beat up six boys, alone, because they bothered me." He says with wide eyes. "She is so strong." He says with a smile.

"That's good to hear, Lou. How about Silvia? How is she?" The woman asks.

"She's nice, I guess. She's not home much though.. she works hard. It's mostly Hazzabear and Chubbybear at home with me." He tells and Sister Christine nods.

"And how are they?" She asks.

"They are awesome. Hazzabear is the sweetest, he is always looking after me and Chubbybear and he's just so nice to everyone." He says, his eyes wide with adoration. "And Chubbybear, he's like a brother and a friend at the same time. They are both so caring and friendly, they never let me feel out of place, as in, like the adopted one. Feels like this is where I always belonged." He says with a huge smile plastered on his face.

"So you're happy here?" She asks and Louis nods.

"Extremely!" He grins.

"Well, that's good. Plus, I wanted to ask you about Harry, specifically, how you feel about him.." she trails off and Louis tenses, but doesn't say a word as he frowns at the floor. "I'm not sure if you're aware of this, Lou, but you weren't very subtle while interacting with Harry all those days before your adoption." She says and Louis completely stiffens. "I'm not going to pester you about this because I know you can't change how you feel about someone, so I'll just say that I hope you do what's right and be careful not to get yourself in trouble." She advises and Louis nods, biting his lip.

They sit in silence for a while before the front door opens and a head peeks in. Louis giggles when Niall meows before someone pushes him from behind and he falls into the house. Zayn and Harry walk back in, jumping over Niall who stays lying on the floor, still meowing and licking his fist like a cat. Louis laughs at the blond boy and so does Sister Christine.

"Does no one loves a poor cat in this house?" Niall asks with a pout as Zayn and Harry comes to sit on the floor near the couch. He gets up and walks to the couch before sitting on it, beside Louis.

"Alright, I think I should get going. You boys have fun." Sister Christine gets up, ready to leave.

"Bye, Mama. I'll miss you." Louis hugs her and she kisses Louis' forehead before saying that she'll miss him too.

As soon as she's out of the door, Niall smiles giddily at him.

"There's a lot of boxes in your room, full of things.. can we see it?" He asks and the older boys turn to look at Louis too. Louis blushes, he's never shown any of his stuff to anyone other than his own mother and Sister Christine as the kids at the orphanage never bothered looking at them. Louis sighs and looks up to three pairs of eyes staring at him hopefully, so he nods and gets up to lead the way.

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