💙 Pretty Boy Got My Tongue💚

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"Wake up fucker! The sun is shining on your lazy ass! Way brighter than your fucking future! Wake up, you four titted tosser! Wake up! Wake up fu-"

"NIALL!" Harry yells as he turns off the alarm on his phone that was booming Niall's voice in the room and gets up off the bed, rubbing his bare tummy.

He looks around to and finds his pants lying on the floor before putting it on, not wanting Niall to see him naked... again. He had developed the habit of sleeping naked since he was fourteen and let's just say poor Niall have had the misfortune of witnessing a nightmare in the mornings quite a few times... or many.

Soon Harry hears footsteps and he looks up when Niall pokes his head through the door and beams at his elder brother.

"Yes Bigbear?" He asks happily.

Harry gives his brother a stern, big brother look before speaking.

"I told you not to touch my phone, didn't I?" He crosses his arms over his bare chest as Niall walks in the room, wearing a Snorlax onesie that Harry had gifted him on his fourteenth birthday, and sits on his bed.

"I just wanted to set a loud alarm for you that would wake you up... fully." The younger of two makes a guilty face that Harry doesn't finds guilty at all.

"And you think I would want to wake up to my fifteen years old brother calling me a 'fucker'?" Harry raises an eyebrow, looking down at Niall.

"It's not like you don't swear!" Niall exclaims as if it was unfair that he's not allowed to swear but Harry is.

"I'm nineteen!" Harry retorts, "And you know very well what would happen if I make mom hears that alarm." He smirks, moving forward to look at his brother in the eye that go wide at his words.

"Y-you w-wouldn't.." The younger boy says and Harry sighs seeing the fear in his baby brother's blue eyes.

"Of course I wouldn't, Chubbybear." He sits beside Niall and hugs him close to his chest. "I love you way too much... and we wouldn't want my sweet pie walking around without a tongue now, would we?" The brothers chuckle at that and keep hugging.

"You really think mom would do that to me for swearing?" Niall asks, tilting his head up to look at Harry but pouts when the hood of the onesie covers his eyes, blocking his view.

"We never know." Harry answers and Niall starts giggling as Harry pushes his hood away.

"Yup! We never know how crazy she can get." Niall laughs.

"Niall Hoeran! Did you just call your mother crazy?" Harry asks in disbelief but chuckles as well.

"Did you just call me Hoeran? What if dad hears that?" Niall asks, throwing his head back laughing.

"Morris is a chill dude, he'll probably laugh until he falls off the chair." Harry says, feeling genuinely happy at the thought of the Irish man.

"That he would." The younger boy laughs more, reminding Harry of Morris, an exact older version of Niall.

"Okay, Chubbybear, I'll go get ready or I'll be late for college." They both stop laughing and Niall grins as he gets up to leave the room.

"Okay, Bigbear. See ya later!" He kisses his 'Bigbear' on the cheek and runs out of the room to get ready for school himself.

Harry just shakes his head, smiling fondly before stepping into the shower.

When Harry joins his mother, Silvia, and Niall downstairs for breakfast, his mother beams at him before serving him his much needed banana pancakes.

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