💚 Boyfriend- Brothers💙

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"and this one... I drew this when I dreamt of you for the first time." Louis softly says, cuddling back into Harry's chest. It was a sketch of Harry standing on the station. There's a train behind him which made it look like Harry had just gotten off of the train.

"Dreamt of me?" The older boy asks, his breath gliding over Louis' neck.

"For the first time.... It's an everyday thing now." The blue eyed boy says with a giggle and tilds his face up to kiss Harry's chin. He likes this. He like himself tangled up with Harry on his bed. It was Harry who had asked to stay in Louis' room since he likes being here. To Louis though, it feels like a dream. To be in the arms of the boy he loves, surrounded by the things he loves, by all the colors he loves and the dim golden fairy lights he loves.

"You dream of me everyday?!" He hears the older boy question teasingly.

"All I do since I met you is dream of you." He whispers followed by another giggle.

"That's a song lyrics." Harry states and Louis shakes his head.

"It's not." He giggles again, making it obvious that he's lying.

"Liar. What about this one?" He asks pointing at a sketch of his own side profile. It was amazing really, it makes Harry feel special that there's someone who draws him just because they love him.

"I drew that in art class. The teacher had asked us to draw the most beautiful thing we had seen that week." Louis explain with a grin and Harry blushes.

"And that was me for you?" He asks and blushes a little more when Louis nods.

"It's always you since the first time I saw you on that train. I might see you just once and it becomes the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." He says and giggles as he sees Harry's blushing face. "Aww my big, bad Hazzabear is blushing. Cutie!" He coos, poking at Harry's face.

"Shut up!" Harry whines like a child, squishing his face into the crook of Louis' neck.

"Oh look at this one!" Louis says, flipping to a sketch of Harry making cat ears on his head with his fingers. Harry peeks down at the sketch and immediately smiles remembering when he had actually done that when had worn a hoodie that said 'Im a cat'. Louis had drawn Harry in the train, even though the train window looked more like a frame for Harry's drawing. "I drew this one on my first day here, before you came back home from college. I didn't know mom's son Harry was you, so I naturally thought that I lost my train boy. That I'll never see you again." Louis explains.

"That day I thought I lost you too." Harry Whispers making Louis turn to look at him. "That day, I got down on the station to talk to you." He confesses, speaking slowly and softly.

"You did?" Louis asks in disbelief. "That was something I had been hoping that you'd do all those days, but you never did." He sighs.

"Well I did, you just weren't there to see. I dressed up really nice and bought you a rose. I was ready to tell you everything I felt for you, but... Well, sister Christine told me about your adoption and I got really upset." Harry says, nuzzling into Louis' shoulder.

"Then you saw me here, at your house, as your new brother and got even more upset." Louis continues and Harry nods into his shoulder.

"Yeah.." he mumbles, his voice muffled into the younger boy's shoulder.

"By the way, how come you suddenly think it's okay for us to be together now? Like you thought it was wrong and kept pushing me away, but then suddenly you were okay with it?" The blue eyed boy questions.

"Let's just say I was being stupid. No one is stopping me to be with you since we aren't blood related and it isn't illegal to date or marry your adopted sibling. Well, it was mom who confronted me. I guess I wasn't that subtle after all." He chuckles. Louis giggles too.

"This one?" Harry asks after a few moments, pointing at the drawing dated as the eighth of September. It's a sketch of Harry's face. But what stands out in this sketch is the fact that every little detail of Harry's face is given a lot of attention. Harry almost gasps at the fact that Louis had actually remembered such tiny details of his face.

"When I felt your lips for the first time." Louis whispers and Harry can tell the boy is getting shy.

"When you and chubby stole those cookies?" He asks, remembering how he had purposely brushed his lips with Louis' that night.

"Yeah.. it was the next morning I drew this to distract myself from the nightmare that had woken me up." He says and Harry frowns, but then decides not to make Louis remember such things.

"Are you saying my almost kiss gave you nightmares?" He jokes instead.

"Yeah. Horrible, horrible nightmares." Louis teases and Harry throws his head back laughing.

"Orrible orrible nigh'mares!" He laughs, mocking Louis who glares at him with a pout.

"Oi! Quit mocking my accent." He whines, but Harry continues laughing.

"Queh mockin mi akcent!" He laughs harder. "Or wot? You'll fook meh ovah?" He asks, falling back on the bed laughing when Louis pushes him.

"I hate you!" Louis says crossing his arms.

"Aw boo.. I louve ya." He says but burst off again when Louis glares at him. "I really do love you, boo and I absolutely love your accent and your voice. It's so unique and beautiful." He says, pulling Louis' hands until the boy falls on top of him.

"You're so mean." Louis pouts, bringing his hand up to touch Harry's face, caressing over his cheek.

"You're so pretty." Harry simply says, kissing Louis' fingertips when they glide over his lips.

"Not fair! How am I supposed to be mad at you when you say such things?" Louis whines, pushing his face into the nape of Harry's neck. The older one laughs, holding the boy tighter as he kisses his head. "Hazza?" Harry hums at the boy's whisper. "Are we still- like, brothers?" He asks making Harry snort.

"Yeah. Boyfriend-brothers." He nods as he says.

"Heh! How does that even work?!" Louis frowns.

"It doesn't." The older boy chuckles.

"Hazza!" Louis lets out a whine, making Harry put his hands up in defence.

"Okay okay! Look, I don't make boyfriend before a date. So let me take you on a date after your art event tomorrow and then we can kiss and then kiss some more and then start being boyfriends, how about that?" He proposes and Louis nods happily.

"I'd love that." He says with a tiny yawn.

"Good. Now sleep love you're tired." The taller boy says and softly pushes Louis' head down until it's comfortably laid down on his chest.

"Hmm.." Louis nods. "I love you, train boy." He mumbles.

"I love you, pretty boy."


Oi oii !!

Thoughts on the chapter ?

So I talked to my school time crush today. He used to be my guy best friend before he found out about my feelings for him and distanced himself. So today I texted him on instagram and we talked for like three hours.

Yo I told him I had a crush on him before bc he used to be cute back then but he ain't my type anymore 😂 bitch was offended for a moment 😂😂

We're good now though and he's grown up and pretty mature now, so it was really good to finally talk to him and figure things out. I guess it's safe to say we're friends again. It's a good feeling 😌

Anyway don't forget to vote and comment if you like.


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