💙 You're Too Innocent For Your Own Good💚

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I wake up to someone chanting, "No, no, not my nuggets." in my ear over and over again.

I look to my left to see Niall sleeptalking and I laugh. I think he is dreaming about nuggets. I too, sometimes, dream about food and sleeptalk, but that is if I ever go to bed with a cup of tea instead of Lait, or milk for English people. I keep my eyes closed and lie on the bed, listening to Harry's voice that's coming from the other room as he speaks to someone.

"No, Cara! You don't get it... How about you come over and I explain it all to you?.... Yeah... Sure... After I'm back from college... Yeah, Ni and Lou have school too... Okay... Bye.. Love you."

I smile to myself because it's so sweet to say 'love you' to someone before ending a call.. Harry- Hazzabear is always so sweet...

"Yeah! My nuggets!" I then laugh at Niall before waking him up for school. We get ready together, which was really fun as Niall managed to slip on the bathroom floor like.. six times and he swallowed the toothpaste in his mouth, then made a funny face. He gets himself a black jeans from the closet along with a white sweatshirt that read 'Food's My Life', which looks too big on him.

"It's Bigbear's

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"It's Bigbear's.." he shrugs with a smile and again I find it cute how he calls Harry that. The other day, he had called me 'boobear' and when I asked why, he just said that everyone special to him has a nickname.

I decide on a white top with a rainbow stipe on it along with a denim overall. I cuff the ends of the overall, exposing my ankles and top it off with a new pair of Converse that Sylvia ma'am got me yesterday.

I had told her that there was no need for it seeing that I had many clothes and shoes that I got from the donations to the orphanage, but she insisted on buying a new pair for me

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I had told her that there was no need for it seeing that I had many clothes and shoes that I got from the donations to the orphanage, but she insisted on buying a new pair for me. According to her, it makes a thing special when it's ours and we own it. Not going to lie, it does feel special.

I look in the mirror with a smile and Niall whistles from behind me saying, "Such a cute twink." but when I ask him about what a twink means, he just laughs and says, "You're a child of Jesus, really." so I shrug it and go down for breakfast, which is just cereals considering Sylvia ma'am is at work and Harry is already off to college.

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