💙Big Trouble If I Steal This Cookie💚

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By the time Lewis decided to leave, it was already Niall and Louis' bedtime. We all had been watching Disney films since the afternoon, me leaving for a while to make dinner. Mom said she wouldn't be home until late so we all had dinner by ourselves.

Currently, Niall and Louis are cuddled up on the couch as Niall cards his fingers through Lou's hair. It seems that Niall has already developed a soft spot for Lou and it really is a beautiful thing to witness, they look like little cubs and saying that it's damn cute would be an understatement.

"Okay, both of you, go to bed." I say, lazily.

"But, Bigbearrrr-" Niall whines, trying to argue.

"No." I say, sternly this time. "It's your bedtime."

"Just a little time, Hazzabear? Please?" Louis requests with a pout. A fucking pout that I wanted to- I cough to shake the thoughts off.

'You're such a fucking pervert!' Basura yells in my head and flip him the bird, mentally of course.

"No, Lou. You both got school tomorrow, you need sleep. Go, now." I say, softly.

"Okay, fine. C'mon, Chubbybear, let's go." Niall huffs but complies before nodding. He comes over to me and bends down to kiss my cheek.

"G'night, Bigbear." He says and starts walking to the stairs.

"Goodnight, Chubs." I call over my shoulder and he smiles in return.

"'Night, Hazzabear." Louis says, before hesitantly pecking my cheek and blushing himself.

"Goodnight, baby." I say and kiss his nose, making him go red. He nods while biting his lip and literally sprints towards the staircase.

I smile to myself before switching the channel to Discovery. A buffalo is in the middle of getting eaten by the Lion when I hear the lock of the front door jiggle. Within seconds, an exhausted looking mom enters the house. We chat for a bit as she eats the dinner, which is simply chicken and rice cooked by me, before trading our 'Goodnight's and going to our rooms. Mom's room is downstairs, whereas mine is upstairs, right next to Niall's room that he shares with Louis.

As I go to walk past their room, I hear gigglings and quiet whispers. I knock on the door and all the sounds instantly stop but I can hear little 'shush' sounds, making me smile at the silly boys. I open the door and walk inside to see their bedside lamp still switched on, whereas both the boys silently stay under the blanket as it covers them from head to toe. I switch the lamp off and move back to the door before smirking as I shut the door but stay inside, in a dark corner beside the door. Then, in the dim room I can make out the blanket shifting as the moon is still serving light from the open window.

"Is he gone?" Niall whispers, giggling a bit.

"I think he is.. you heard the door shutting right?" Louis whispers back.

It's actually very funny standing here, pretending not to be in the room as the boys talk about you.

"Can we eat the cookies now?" Niall whisper, sounding terribly desperate and impatient. They are definitely eating the cookies I made, which they were supposed to eat only one a day.

"Okay, but I got to get two extra. You ate faster and ate two more than me." Louis whispers and I can totally hear the pout. Then there is a shuffling inside the blanket followed by the sound of a jar being opened.

"God, I get hungrier just by the smell of it." Niall whispers as he makes a long sniffing noise.

"Are those my cookies I hear being stolen?" I ask loudly as I move a bit closer to the bed.

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