💚I Wish I Knew💙

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"Hey, Z!" Harry greets the raven haired boy who had been talking to Silvia in the kitchen before the taller boy, who just got back from college, appeared at the doorway of the kitchen.

"Hey, bud! How was college?" Asks Zayn, bumping his fist with Harry.

"Boring, man! It sucked." Both the boys laugh and Harry picks a banana from the fruit basket, completely ignoring his mother. They chat at the dining table until Niall comes back from school.

"Honey, I'm home!" Niall yells from the front door, making everyone chuckle.

"In here, Darling!" Zayn yells back and Niall squeals.

"Do I hear my Zoobear?" Niall enters the kitchen excitedly and grins at Zayn who opens his arms for the boy. It doesn't take long for Niall to jump in those open arms and sit on Zayn's lap to hug the taller boy.

"Hi, baby. How was school." Zayn asks while caressing the back of the little boy's neck, who starts purring at his favourite massage.

"Nice.." Niall purrs, closing his eyes and Zayn laughed.

"What? School or my special massage?" The brown eyed boy teases Niall who blushed but keeps purring like a kitten.

Zayn has been Harry's friend since the curly haired lad was born, Zayn was a year old back then. Zayn's family is pretty chill and insanely rich, so they didn't mind when Zayn dropped out of college to give his passion for art more priority. They're also very open minded so didn't care when he came out as pansexual and brought home his non binary lover, though they broke it off after over a year of dating. Sylvia knows about Zayn's sexuality and doesn't mind it... apparently it's okay for everyone to be a queer but not her son. She treats Zayn just like she treats Niall and did Harry a while back. The boy was basically a part of Styles - Horan household.

"Well.. Hello to you too, brother. My morning was great, thanks for asking. Love to see how much you care." Harry says sarcastically and then pouts as Niall chuckles.

Harry isn't surprising by his brother's closeness with Zayn as the boy had taken care of him since he was born and treated him like his own brother. Zayn was five, Harry himself being four when the blue eyed baby was born and the raven haired boy instantly called him baby brother.. even before Harry could.

"Aww Hazzy! I'm just kidding, I love you, Bigbear." Niall says and stuffs his mouth with the chocolate bar Zayn brought for him, making both the elder boys laughs at how adorable the little one is.


It's evening now and Harry still hasn't talked to his mother, not that she tried either. Harry is in his bedroom, scrolling in his phone when Niall walks in.. without knocking.

"What did I tell you about knocking the door, Chubs?" Harry asks, not looking up.

"Sorry." Niall mumbles before climbing on the bed and cuddling himself to his brother's side. "Can I ask you something, Bigbear?" Harry hums and he continues. "Why are you and mom been fighting recently?" He asks shyly, feeling as if he's invading his brother's privacy.

"I came out to her and she's not very happy." Harry says plainly. Niall was the first person he had came out to two years ago and the boy just shrugged saying, "I saw you kissing Nick a day after I had seen you kissing Jenifer."

"Wow... but on the bright side, you can kiss Nick without worrying about mum having a heart attack now." Niall tries to joke but..

"I don't want to kiss Nick.." Harry whispers.

"Then who?" The younger one whispers  back as if they were sharing secrets. "Who do you want to kiss?"

"Pretty boy." Harry whispers.

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