Chapter 14: The Band

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Chapter 14 - The Band:

Hannah POV:

I woke up the next morning, feeling awesome. Glancing over by my wardrobe, were all of the things that I bought, well, Jeremy bought for me. I had my meeting with the talent agent today, probably just to set me up for the future.

I bit my lip, undecided on what to wear for my meeting in a couple of hours, did I go casual or formal? Hmm.

I was tempted to just go normal, thoughts ran through my head as I flicked through my wardrobe. Finally Picking out long black leggings and a 'Fearless Vampire Killers' band top. God, I loved that band. Checking the time, I headed downstairs, grabbing a can of coke from the fridge and downing it quickly.

I sat on the sofa for a while, just to kill time. My mind went back to yesterday and how amazing it felt to have Jeremy's arm round my shoulders. That was when I suddenly remembered Nathan. Ugh. I needed to do something about him. Even if he didn't talk to me or even acknowledge me, we were stil dating and I couldn't get out of that.

Breaking out of my thoughts, I got up, remembering to put my can, which was now completley crushed in my hand, in the bin.

Time to go.


I stood outside the office door, nervously awaiting my turn.
'Hannah?' A male voice asked.
My head shot up as I went into the office.

'Some arrangements were made,' he explained.

'What kind of arrangements?' I asked.
'Instead of being a solo artist, we've decided to get you a band together,'
'Brilliant!' I exclaimed.
'They'll be coming in a bit later, so I can introduce you to them, in the meantime, I have some papers for you to sign..' he trailed off.
Glancing down at the papers, I began filling the different sheets in.

By the time I was finished, it was around 12am. So I decided to head down the cafe that was downstairs.
It wasn't very busy, but I guessed it was hardly ever busy anyway. Heading to the counter where the till was, I grabbed a double chocolate chip muffin and a 500ml bottle of cherry pepsi max. Paying for the items, I walked over to the tables.

I checked the time, I had about 5 minutes until I had to go back to the office for the next meeting. I decided I might as well sit down and eat my muffin while I waited.

Finishing up, I headed back to the office for the final meeting, I didn't mind being early. To be honest, it was better than being late. As I approached the door, I heard giggles and whispers as I saw a group of people glance at me curiously, the guy from earlier came into view.

'This is our lead singer?' A girl piped up.

The guy nodded, 'Hannah, meet your band mates,'


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