Chapter 16 - Decisons

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Chapter 16: Decisions - 

I woke up the next morning, to find my pillows and duvet covers sprawled out across my bedroom floor.  For God's sake.  I'd done it again.  This was how I normally acted,  damn my sleep habits.  It'd been fine since today apparently. 

I lashed out in my sleep quite a lot. 

Groaning,  I forced myself to pick up the duvet covers and the pillow and throw them back on the bed.    Looking round at my bedroom,  it was then I realised how messy everything was. 


Flicking through the random bits of paper on my bedside table,  I found the schedule for band practice,  I was free for a couple of days before I started up again.   Alongside the schedule,  there was another bit of paper for our song choices,  mainly covers.  

But that was blank,  for now.  

I wondered  what Jeremy was doing today,  perhaps we could hang out or something?  I hadn't seen him in a while.


I could try and contact Amy,  but I knew the weekend was used up for her as time she spent with her boyfriend.

Snatching my phone from where it was casually lying on my pillow,  I sent Jeremy a quick text,

'Free Today? -H' 

Placing my phone back on the pillow,  I decided to take a shower.   Washing my hair and body, I closed my eyes.  Things were finally,  after a long time,  going  well. 

I was in a band,  got out of my terrible relationship..

I wrapped myself in a towel  and stepped out,  drying my hair and then grabbing my straightners. 

That's when my phone buzzed really loudly, making me jump out of my skin.

'Free all weekend -J'

I grinned,  perfect.

'Can I meet you today?' I texted back.

I got an instant reply back.

'Sure.  See you in an hour.'

Smiling to myself,  I flicked through my wardrobe to try and find something to wear for later.


An hour later, I was fully dressed.  I wore a black, 'Fearless Vampire Killers' top, black jeans with black converse.   My hair was completley dry and straightened, masses of scarlet red fell around my shoulders.  Grabbing my leather jacket, phone and purse in the same routine I always took when going out anywhere.

'Ready x'  I sent the text to Jeremy quickly, hoping he was already on his way.

'On my way x'  Was the  instant reply, maybe Jeremy could in fact read minds?

I stared into space, the sky was the usual shade of blue.  In actual fact everything on the street was the same as it always was.   It was just too quiet and there were hardly any people walking around.  But it was a Saturday. 

Saturdays were always busy round here.


A few minutes later,  I heard the sound of a car pulling up right in front of me.  Jeremy got out the car and held out a hand, which I happily took.

'Hello to you too,' I laughed.

He just grinned.

'Where are we headed today anyway? Anywhere in particular?' he asks.

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