Chapter 17 - Meet The Family

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Chapter 17: Meet The Family

I met his eyes as the credits rolled on for the end of the film.

'Film's done,' I heard him murmur.

'Yeah, right...' I trailed off, looking away from his chocolate brown eyes.

We waited for the crowd to move out of the cinema, which took a few minutes.

'Enjoy the film?' He threw me a mischievous smile.

'Yup!' I replied, quite upbeat and happy.

Watching the film was brilliant overall, there was some unseen footage from his life. Starting from when he was a baby and growing into an adult. But I wasn't fully focused on the film, I was partly focused on the person sitting next to me.


'Good,' Jeremy replied, the smile still remaining on his face as he put his jacket back on and pulled it around himself.

'What time is it?' I asked quietly.

'Around 7pm I think,' Jeremy shrugged, turning his phone on that had been off and buried in his pocket for the duration of the film.

I glanced outside. It looked quite dark for 7pm. I shrugged it off and looked at Jeremy as he sighed and slipped his phone in his pocket again, what was up with him? I thought he'd had a good night.

'D'you want to grab something to eat?' He asked me suddenly.

'Sure,' I agreed.

As we walked towards the nearest restaurant to the cinema, I wrung my hands

together. Did I say something wrong or give away my feelings?

Hannah, stop overreacting and worrying. There's probably some logical explanation as to why he's upset.

He led me into what looked like a casual family restaurant. Groups of families and couples sat in different booths that had orange and white striped chairs made of a leather-like material.

In the corner of the restaurant, there were three children fighting over crayons to produce drawings. Some of the drawings were stuck to the wall. Some posters were stuck well in place, other posters were falling apart.

We sat in one of the booths, the chairs slightly soothed the ache in my back to an extent.

That was when a waitress came over, with electric blue eyes and long hair that was a dirty-blonde colour.

'Have you decided on drinks?' She asked, her voice was light and chirpy.

'Can we have two cokes please?' Jeremy replied, sounding as if he was too busy doing other things than sit at a restaurant table ordering food.

'Sure!' She exclaimed, with a wink at Jeremy, she strolled off.

I rolled my eyes and sighed.

'What's up, Jer?' I asked quietly.

Jeremy bit his lip, 'My ex has been texting me loads and wants me back,'

'Oh.' Was all I said. It felt as if my heart was shattering into a million pieces.

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