Chapter 25 - Explanation

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Chapter 25: Explanation

I was lying down on the sofa when they started to tell me.

"Amy's been behind this all along," Jeremy said, looking down.
"What?" I ask, I was in complete and utter disbelief. How could my best friend be behind all of this?
"It's true," Tiffany chimed in.
"Me and Amy were friendly before she met you," He explained.
"But when she saw you there was no reaction-" I started, which was true. She hadn't shown any display of bitterness or any emotion towards her ex.

There was a slight pause before Jeremy continued, "We split ties a while ago, I made sure of that,"

"Right, so when she found out we got together...." I trailed off.
"She was jealous as hell," he finished for me.

Kier had sat next to me, his hand squeezing mine. He too, was listening intently.

That was when Tiffany cleared her throat and began to speak,
"Those pictures you saw on the internet that got put up wasn't me. Although we did take pictures, which I then uploaded to my computer, I never posted anything on the internet. I know I was a bitch to you, but I never meant to be. I wasn't out to wreck your relationship, I swear. Amy told me you were a shitty person to begin with and that you used guys all the time. I'm so sorry Hannah," All of this came tumbling out her mouth, her face looked red and as if she was about to cry, Jeremy was rubbing her back soothingly.

"It's okay, I'm sorry I was a bitch too, if I was honest I was kind of jealous of you," I admit quietly, looking down and playing with my fingers.

"As for how the pictures got up, I must've left my computer open or something," She replied.

I nodded and fell quiet, this was all starting to make sense. I wasn't going to pretend that the betrayal of one of my best friends didn't hurt, it felt like a knife had just been stabbed straight through my chest, I let a few tears fall down my face, which resulted in Kier holding me as close as he could.

"How?" I asked, my voice quiet and more like a whisper as the tears fell harder.
"I went out for a drink with her and she told me everything," He glanced down.

I fell silent and shot up from the sofa, heading upstairs.

I was a mess.

"What are you doing babe?" Kier asked me.

That was when I turned around to face him shakily, "I'm leaving," was all I said.

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