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Have you ever wondered what it was like to drown? To have your last breath be water tumbling down into your lungs. Trying to get to the surface but somehow end up deeper down? Excruciating pain in your head. Screaming for help but no body hears you. No body hears you. Even though you're surrounded by people. They all seem to not see you. To not hear you. You're nothing. You finally reach the surface. Except, it's too late. You're too tired. You had already given up. Opened your mouth and let the water in. If only you held on for just one more second. Just one. You would have survived. You would have lived. Instead you sink down to the depths of the water. Your body become cold and frail. You're nothing. The fish swim by you. Your eyes open but you can't see. You're dead. You lay on the sand. Now and forever.

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