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Her work shift was over, she's on her way home now.

She walked in her building, said hello to the concierge and went up to her floor.

She pulled the key out her purse and stuck it in the key hole. She turned the key and the door unlocked. She reached out to turn the knob and opened her door.

She opened the door and she froze in the doorway.

She felt a pain in her chest. Where her heart is.
She almost feel to the ground, but she pulled it together.

In her house there were a thousand red roses.

She didn't have to count them, she knew there were exactly one thousand red roses.

She quickly shut the door behind her and ran to her bedroom.

She had to go. She had to get out of there.

She searched under her bed for her emergency bag which she had packed for just this reason, in case he had found her.

She knew only he would send the red roses.

She had to go, find somewhere else to live. She had to build a new life in a new place.

Her bag wasn't there.

She searched her whole room but, her bag was nowhere.

She started to freak.
He could be here at any moment.

She went out her room, curved around all the horrible roses that she dreaded so mostly.

She searched under the couch, behind the fridge. Nothing.

Her bag was gone. She had to leave with nothing but herself.

She picked herself up and walked towards the front door. She opened it, she thought she was free, but all the time she spend looking for that stupid bag! He was waiting for her.

He found her.

She should've just left the moment she opened that door and saw the roses!

It was to late now.

He was standing in the doorway, with that charming smile on his. He had something in his hand, a bag, her bag. He took her bag. That was why she couldn't find it.

"Searching for something?" He said in his English accent.

She spoke nothing.

"Did you like the gift I sent you? Malachi said a thousand roses is a bit much but, I find them to be lovely. Don't you?"

"How did you find me?"

"Oh darling, how do I ever? This place though. This place is great! You must like living here. Do you like living here? What's it been? Three years?"

"Five. Five years."

"Woah. Darling five years, that's the most you've been gone. Alright. Anyways let's go. Come on." He turned and walked.

She had no choice but to follow. He had already found her, she owed him. It was her fault for running away in the first place. She knew she couldn't run forever.

With her head down she followed behind him, there was no point to run. She knew that know, she's made that mistake before.

"How have you been darling? Everyone missed you you know. Lill the most." Those last three words hung in the air.


"How is she? She's okay right?"

"Why of course. I'm not a monster, I wouldn't hurt a child."

"Yes you would."

He laughed. "You're right. I would. Let me rephrase that, I wouldn't hurt your child. You know I'd do anything for you my darling. Alright. Into the car you go. Come on."

She climbed into the back seat as he closed the door for her. He circled around to the front set her back on the passengers seat and drove.

"She's 14 now you know. Little Lill, my she grows so fast."

"Can I see her?"

"Why of course my darling. Once you've gone through the process."

She sat back, didn't talk for the rest of the ride.

When they arrived he opened the door for her and walked her inside.

"Welcome back to hell my darling, please be a dear and don't go away for so long again. You know how much Little Lill hates to see you gone."


Oh how much she dreads that word.

"Yes, thank-you for my welcome. Glad to be back." She extends her hand for a hand shake.

His eyes flash fire. "My darling, you seem to have forgotten I don't touch." He said between clenched teeth.

"Right. Sorry, I'll just get going to do the process."

"Yes you better get going. Goodbye now."

She turns and smiles.  There is a reason why he won't touch her and she's going to find it out. She's going to find her daughter and get out of hell. Once and for all.

It's just a matter of time.

A Collection of Short StoriesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang