100 years

2 0 0

Darkness. Cold. That's the first thing I remembered. Then I woke up. Gasping for air. I heard the beep beep of a heart monitor. White ceiling. My chest was raising and falling with each breath. I didn't know what was going on, but I felt calm.
I lifted my head to see I was covered in blankets people, doctors, all around me. Except they looked a little weird. Maybe my vision was messed up, but they looked to be orange. I mean orange orange. Like carrots. And their eyes were huge, each of them with black eyes.
What was going on? What happened to me?
A tiny flashlight was shone into my eyes. I grimaced.
"Responsive." The lady doctor said, and another took notes.
"Excuse me?" My voice was horse. "Excuse me?" I said a second time, but they kept on minding themselves. "Excuse me?" I put so much effort into the words they almost came out normal.
The doctors stoped and stared, as if shocked. I swallowed, "Could someone tell me what's going on please?"
One doctor leaned down to me, "Hello. I'm Dr. Kellan. It seems you were in an accident, do you remember anything?"
An accident? "Cold."
"You're cold?" She looked to the other doctors, "Grab more blankets."
I shook my head, "No. I feel fine. The last thing I remember is cold. Like ice."
"You feel fine?" She looked confused. What happened to me? Should I not be fine? Am I in pain right now but can't feel it?
"What happened to me?"
"You were found in ice. Frozen solid. When we defrosted you, we found that your heart was still beating. At an incredibly slow rate, so we tried to revive you. It seems you were in a state of hibernation." She paused, "The first ever recorded in history."
Frozen in ice? Defrosted like I'm some kind of chicken. I hibernated, like a bear. The first human to successfully hibernate. Am I some kind of test subject now?
"Can you recall your name?" She filled the silence.
"Raven Park."
"And your birthday?"
"September 12th."
"And the year?"
"2021. Could I get some water?"
"Of course." She waved one of the doctors out, "What's the last full date you can remember?"
"I think it was June 16th maybe? 2040."
"Can you tell me how many fingers I'm holding up?"
"You're not holding up any."
Her head snapped around sharply, she looked at me with wide eyes.
"I've been meaning to ask why it's so dark in here, haven't you got any lights? I can barley see."
"It seems you were incorrect about the responsiveness." Dr. Kellan says to a lady doctor entering the room with a cup of water.
"I'm never wrong Dr. Kellan." She says setting down the water.
"Check again."
The lady doctor leans in again, "Please don't shine that light in my face again. I can see, I was just messing with Ms. Kellan here."
"Dr. Kellan." She corrects me. "And now is no time for Jokes."
"You had two fingers up ok? I can see, I feel fine. Are you going to start doing experiments on me?"
"First human to ever hibernate, there's no way you're letting me go."
"I'm afraid you have no where to go."
"The hell does that mean? Is that a threat?"
"You were frozen for some time, the world has changed."
"How long was I out?"

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