Imaginary friend

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Tom. He's the one who created me. He's the one who made my existence possible.

If he wanted me to fly, I flew. If he wanted me to sprout horns atop my head, I did.

I did everything he asked for. I became anything he wanted.

If he wanted blonde then poof I'm blonde. We were always together. I'm the one who protected him from the monsters under his bed when his parents didn't believe him. I'm the one who ate all his vegetables at the table. I'm the one who took the blame whenever he did something wrong.

Now. Now. Now he's just going to leave me? Walking by me like I'm not even there. Paying no attention to me, the person who was always there for him whenever he needed.

But now. He doesn't need me anymore.

He's ten now. He has real friends. He doesn't need me 'Zane the imaginary friend'. He has real life people now.

I've noticed that over the days, weeks, I've slowly gone to disappear. I don't want to disappear.

I don't want to die.

Sometimes, in the beginning. I know he saw me, he looked me straight in the eyes and acted as if I'm not there. Now. Now I know he can't see me but, he can hear me.

I see his ears twitch when I call his name. "Tom! Tom!" I say. "Why won't you talk to me anymore? What did I do? Tom!"

I'm fading.

Some days I'm not even there, it's like I disappear into a word of nothingness. It's pitch black, darkness everywhere, I'm not even able to see my own hands in front of me but, I can hear everything still. I can hear Tom's parents talking, I hear Tom cheering his friends on in games.

He replaced me.

'An invisible friend is not good enough.' That's what his mom would always say.

I'm not good enough.

I never believed it before, but now, I'm disappearing. It's all because of Tom, he doesn't believe in me anymore.

Sometimes I don't have a reflection. Last I saw I had green eyes and brown hair. I'm sure that hasn't changed though, Tom hasn't been around to change it.

I think my last days are approaching. Tom doesn't hear me anymore. One time he walked straight through me, I thought it would hurt but..I guess I can't feel pain anymore.

I only felt what Tom wanted me to.

Yesterday I saw Tom in his treehouse, he was just sitting there doing nothing.

I waved to him, I miss him. I didn't expect a wave back, I'm like a ghost.

I wonder what it will be like when I disappear. Where will I go? Will I just stop existing? Will all my memories go away? Will it be like I was never her at all?

I'm on my death bed.

Today Tom is home. There's no school today. I've decided to spend the day with him, even if he doesn't know I'm here.

We had breakfast together, we played video games, we watched cartoons with his mom and dad.

I had fun. I was happy.

I knew I was going to disappear today, for good.

"Tom, you're the Best friend anyone could ever have. You're going to live a happy life I know you are. No one can ever replace you. I don't know where I'm going, what will happen, or how long I'll be gone."

He can't hear me but I need to get this out. I need to say this before I go. I don't have much time left.

Tom picks up a hammer for his dad and they build more on the treehouse, together.

I say my last words as I start disappearing.

"I love you."

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