Aim to please

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I'm twenty seven and on my fourteenth birthday I found out that I can make anyone one happy just by pointing at them.

Anyone but myself.

Oh and I'm 'suffering' from depression.

My friends dog died when I was fifth teen. I knew I could make her happy if I just pointed my finger at her, so I did. She suddenly forgot all about her dog she's had since it was a puppy. It was like that dog never existed.

It doesn't always work like that though.

Sometimes people completely forget about what they were sad about and why, others just get over it.

When I was nineteen I was at a park, there was this little girl she looked to be about three. A boy stole her ball from her but it wasn't just a ball. I overheard the child's mom say that that ball was a gift from the father, who died it was the last thing he gave to his child. I pointed my finger at the girl and she was happy again.

She didn't forget about her ball though. She went up to her mama and told her to let it go. It's just a ball. Judging by her mom's expression I'd say she never expected her child to say that.

Some people forget, others get over it. I'm not even sure how it works, as far as I can tell there's no way to know how any one person will react.

I've never told anyone about what I can do, and I never will. It has to be a secret.

Now back to my crippling depression, I was diagnosed with depression at age fourteen, maybe it was one of God's funny jokes to grant me the ability to make others happy but never myself. Maybe it's a side affect of what I can do. Who knows?

God. Probably.

Sometimes I like to go to the cemetery and see all the sad people mourning over their dead loved ones then, I'll make them happy.

I like being able to make others happy, it makes me happy. Momentarily.

That's what keeps me on the Earth. If I wasn't able to make other people happy I would've ended it a long time ago.

My purpose in life is to make people happy, even if I can't be happy myself. My life totally contradicts itself.

My dad used to be a drunk, he drank to make his feelings go away. He would always say 'there's no purpose to feelings except the ones that make you happy and I ain't got none of those. So that's why I drink.'

I made him happy. He stopped drinking, got a good job, left my mom, started a new family. I used to visit him a lot but he has a new family now, new wife, new kids, there's no room for me. No love for me. Nothing for me.

My mom was heartbroken when dad left. She was fine before, she loved him for everything he had, she even dealt with his drinking.

When I made him happy, he left and I made her sad. She started going out with losers who beat her so I made her happy.

She dumped her loser boyfriend and started dating this hot lawyer guy. They have two kids together, both toddlers and adorable as hell.

The lawyer is real nice and loves me like his own child, he even tried to set me up with his childhood friend's son.

We went out on a date once or twice, really nice guy and if I wasn't into girls I probably would've been all for it.

Oh yeah, i like girls. Also nobody knows.

At least I think I am. I've never actually been with a girl, I'm kinda busy making people happy and stuff.

Doesn't really matter anyhow, I wouldn't know how to look for a girl, or guy for that matter.

I live by myself. Except for my roommate. I have a roommate.

He's twenty four, has dark brown hair and beautiful round green eyes. He has the most beautiful dark skin and is amazingly tall. Also he's sexy, like really sexy.

There is one thing I don't like about him though, his girlfriend is a bitch.

She's rude, obnoxious, has no care for others, she thinks that she's the queen of everything, and she's sooo spoiled. Not by my roommate though, oh no I would never let him spoil that bitch.

This one time they were yelling at each other in the living room, he wanted her to leave but she didn't want to and I was tired of it. So I went over and I was going to tell both of them to shut up and tell her bitch ass to leave.

But that's not what happened. Instead I didn't realize what I was doing and I accidentally pointed at her, then, suddenly, she was happy to leave.

I didn't know I had the power to make people leave my apartment, if I knew I could do that I would've made her leave the moment she stepped inside.

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