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Dear, you,

I hope you're happy, really happy. I want you to be happy I really do; I just wish I could be a part of your happiness. It hurts that you're doing good without me. Because I miss you. I really do. I never understood what it meant to miss someone before, but I do now. So many things remind me of you. I hear your voice in my head. whenever something happens, you're the first person I want to tell. But I can't.

I talk about you all the time, as if you're still here. We have grown so distant. There're so many things I wanna tell you. So many stories. It's hard to not text you, not see you. 

I often wonder what you're doing. Who you're with? I wonder if you wonder about me. Worry about me. If you think of how my day went. I hope you do, because if you do that means you still care. There's still hope. 

I like to think there's hope. That one-day things will do back to how they were in the beginning. Before things got all messed up. Before the tears, before the yelling, the mess-ups. Before everything went wrong. Back when we were just two people, happily drinking their milkshakes. 

There're things I never got to say. I thought If I put them in this letter, I'll make me feel better. But now here I am writing this letter and I don't feel any better. In fact, I feel worse. Because I'm realizing that I'll really never get to say.

I wanted you to stay forever. I wanted you in my life. I wanted to grow with you. 

We both messed up and did some things. We both apologized. We both tried to fix our wrongs. But I guess the mess-ups were just too messed up. Sometimes things don't work out. No matter how much you would like them to.  

You'll never see this letter because I'll never send it. But I still want you to know that even though I never said it, and I'll never get the chance to. 

I really do.

I appreciate you.

I trust you.

I love you.

The words that you've said so many times. I was never able to say back. It scares me. It's hard for me to say, it's hard for me to write, to type. But I do.

I really do.

I love you.

Sincerely, yours,

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