Chapter 45

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They say first impressions are really important and I agree. The first impressions either makes or breaks the way you view something. Once that view is established it's almost impossible to erase it. I think it's a stepping stone into what the place could mean for you. I know it's harsh to judge anything based on first impressions but I can't help but let it set the tone for the rest of my stay. I just hoped that Bibury would meet my expectations. 

The car rolled lazily, past countless amount of fields. Each greener than the last. I rolled down the window to let the cool breeze fill the car and replace the putrid car smell with the smell of freshly mown grass. The smell just reminded me of a forest and wildlife. Not to be cliche or anything but I did feel a sense of calmness. If I heard myself say that two months ago, I would have cringed at the words but I finally understand why people in movies always say they feel calm in a place like this. Cows lingered around in patches around the meadows , munching slowly, on flavourless grass. Heaps of daisies sprouted above the ground, creating the illusion of a cloud around the  soft grass.

I gazed out the window for the whole car ride letting the smell of grass fill my nostrils and push out the thoughts about the problems that lay heavily on my mind. I barely noticed the chatter amongst the boys. Alex and Harry's laughter boomed throughout the car but Landon was being unusually quiet. He must be annoyed at how well Harry and Alex are getting along. I smiled at the thought and continued to be transfixed by the sight that lay ahead of me. 

We halted in front of three huts placed side by side with each other. I can almost imagine Farren in my head saying 'cute and chic'. The yard was filled with flowers and a range of plants littered on the pathway leading to the doorstep. The houses were painted a very dull grey colour with small white specks when observed closely. This contrasted beautifully with the range of colours surrounding it. It was a sight for sore eyes. It was the ideal getaway that most people want to have but never find the courage to pursue. The toy windmills placed at the entrance kept moving at a steady rhythm, dancing in harmony withe the mellow breeze. Harry looked just as awestruck as me. Living on the beach, you never really get to see grass or land like this. 

When I was around five, I used to visit my grandparents who lived in a house very similar to this. My memory is distorted but I remember me, Harry and Farren playing outside a yard just like this. The distant memory was kept churning around my head. I felt obliged to dive deeper into the memory. 

I remember flashes of my grandparents. Their face was always filled with broad smiles and warmth oozing out of them in waves. I couldn't remember much about them but I knew that my mum didn't always get along with them. When she was younger they supposedly tried to micromanage her and tried manipulating her to stay in Bibury but my mum didn't like to be restricted down to one place. She wanted to live her life however she pleased and wanted to be free of any restrictions. My dad told me that she had a massive argument with them and she stormed out of Bibury. She then travelled around the globe and met my dad in Bali where their relationship began. My grandparents really wanted to meet us when we were born and so my dad took us to meet them every year, until on year my mum had another argument with them but only this time she vowed never to return. 

This was always the story my dad gave me every time I asked about my grandparents . I always knew there was more to the story than he was letting on but I always brushed it aside. 

Harry nudged me in the arm and asked " Race you to the door?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me just as I started running, wind ripping my face and I gulped air into my lungs.

"No fair," Harry groaned behind me as I reached the door. I did a mock bow as he began complaining. 

"You are dealing with Yana, Harry. What did you expect a fair match?" Landon joked as he carried a big suitcase to the door and Alex followed him with the other. 

I rolled my eyes and reluctantly offered to carry the bag.

Just as I was about to get into the door, an old lady in her her early 70s stepped outside her house next door and waved at us. Landon pushed me towards and out of his way as I was blocking the way to the door.

"Be nice to her, she is a good friend to your family. That's right I did some research about the people here." Landon whispered in my ear as he stalked of inside as Alex followed him. It was kind of concerning to see them both alone together so I pleaded with Harry to accompany them while I made small talk with the very cheery lady next door. 

"Hi, dear. I'm Ms Perkins. I live next door." She said with a smile stretching across her face. 

"Hey, Ms Perkins. I am Juliana, people just call me Yana. You have a beautiful garden." I typed and tried to mimic her smile. I decided to tell her my full name in case she recognised my name and told me something about my family. It was a calculated shot. Sympathy filled her eyes as she realised I couldn't talk. This is why I hated meeting new people. Their pity just disgusted me. Made me feel inferior. Thankfully, she didn't ask any question to why I can't talk or anything related to that. 

"Aren't you sweet. You have such a pretty name. By any chance are you related to the Carmichael's family?" She asked with curiousness embedded in her eyes. I nodded and she got visibly excited. 

"How lovely to meet you! You have grown into a beautiful young lady. Don't you remember me? I'm your grandma's sister. Oh, how she would have loved to meet you. She always talks about you and Harry. You must come in for a cup of tea, sometime. " She looked really excited as her eyes whizzed around my face trying to see the similarities. 

She's another Carmichael. She must know about the pins which might help me save Farren.

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