News from the gods

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We reached Reyna's room, where she was busy kicking a suitcase with a golden and silver side to it.

"What's that?"

"It helps me track Aurum and Argentum."

"Isn't that good? Why are you kicking it?"

"Yes, and it says they're here at camp," she said, not even turning around.

"That's good, right?" I questioned.

Reyna roller her eyes. "Tell me Percy, if you're tracking something, do you thing it would be good if you got a rough idea of where it is or the exact location of where it is?"

"The exact location obviously," I replied.

"Knowing you, nothing is obvious," Reyna muttered under her breath, which made Julia snicker.

I rolled my eyes and walked past her to the suitcase.

It had a small LCD screen on each side. Both displayed the same place, which was camp Jupiter.

I narrowed my eyes and thought for a few seconds.

"Have you tried calling them?"

"Yes, that was the first thing I tried," she snapped.

"I have an idea," I muttered. "If this works, I'm joining the FBI."

"Reyna try-"

I doubled over, clutching my head.

Julia reached over, but I dodged her. I pulled Riptide and uncapped it in one swift movement and tried to behead Reyna.

If it hadn't been for her several years of experience, she would have died if I was actually trying. She pulled out her dagger and took a defensive position.

I slashed at her, making her parry my strike. I dodged a lunge to my legs from Julia. I kicked a chair towards Reyna. It hit her shoulder and the dagger dropped from her hand. I immediately held my sword at her throat. Any minute now...

"Nice knowing you RARA," I said.

She gritted her teeth in defeat and anger. "Percy, what are you doing?"

I reared my hand to chop off her head and rolled away just in time.

I smirked victoriously as Aurum and Argentum appeared, both circling me while snarling. I recapped Riptide and smirked at Reyna. She looked as shocked as me.

I forgot about the dogs while looking at Reyna, which was my mistake. Both dogs pounced on me. Argentum brought me down, while I felt sharp pain as Aurum bit into my shoulder.

"Back off you brat," I yelled and pushed Argentum off me.

"Sit!" Reyna ordered. Argentum listened and promptly sat down. Aurum on the other hand pounced on me once again.

I rolled over to the other side. "I just caused you to come back you rotten tin can!" I exclaimed.

Both dogs cocked their heads to the side together and looked at Reyna.

Reyna nodded, still looking shocked. "I don't know how, but it worked."

"Wow," Julia said. "You put Reyna's life at risk and summoned them. Damn!"

I think I needed to teach her Thalia, Grover and my way of saying it. Dam.

"Who kidnapped you?" I asked the dogs.

Both of them growled and trotted outside. They stood out in the open for a few seconds, before sitting down whinning at Reyna.

"They can't find them," Reyna said as the three of us and the two dogs walked back into the Praetor's office. "It's alright. Julia, tell me everything now."

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