Apollo's idea of a distraction

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It hadn't even been ten minutes since I had walked out of the throne room, when I was teleported back into the throne room with black spots dancing in my eyes.

I groaned and waited for the spots to clear. I opened my eyes, eventhough they were burning as if a Drakon had spit venom in them, to find Apollo and Zeus in an argument.

"Whichever one of you it is that's teleporting me, I'd like to inform you that you're trying to burn off my retina."

"My bad," Apollo muttered.

"Why have you called him here?" Zeus barked.

"My father," Apollo said while pointing dramatically at Zeus, "decided that we should close Olympus in order to prevent the demigods from knowing what was going on."

"How will that help?"

A lot of gods suppressed smiles, while Zeus turned purple with rage. Oops.

Purple was actually quite close to blue when you come to think about it. I wonder what Kronos would have tasted if he ever got to swallow Zeus. Yuck! I can't even believe I thought of something like that.

"Were you listening?" Apollo asked,

"Err no. I...um...zoned out," I replied sheepishly.

Apollo face palmed, muttering about ADHD demigods.

"It's not our fault we're ADHD!" I shot back. "It's your fault you guys can't keep it in your-"

That's where I stopped. "Nothing, it's just sorta kinda your fault," I said quietly.

Both gods looked a bit ticked off at being accused of not being able to keep it in their pants; which was true when you come to think of it. Artemis on the other hand, looked disapprovingly at all the male gods.

"What's the plan?" I asked Apollo innocently.

"We're not closing Olympus. Instead, we'll close down the world!" He exclaimed as if he had just come up with a plan good enough to replace Athena.

"Er how?" I asked.

"I like this idea Apollo," Zeus admited, while Hera nodded her head in agreement.

Apollo beamed, momentarily blinding me.

"I'm going to release a deadly virus that's going to cause all the little mortals to panic and hide in their homes. That way, even demigods will either stay at camp or at home and have free time. It's a win win situation for all of us."

"How does this benefit you?" I asked, knowing that there had to be a catch.

"I don't have to sit here, bored out of my mind! I'll be able to attend parties and take girls on rides in my sun chariot!"

Zeus glared at Apollo, while Artemis growled under her breath. "We've talked about this!"

Apollo smiled sheepishly. "On second thoughts, parties sound good enough."

"You plan to do all that when there's going to be a global quarantine?" I asked, waiting for it to click in Apollo's head.

His face fell when he realised what I was getting at.

"Forget I said that," he said hurriedly, but it was too late.

"How would you stop it if we wanted to?" Zeus asked him.

"That's easy," he said waving his hand. "I'll just release the cure and the mortals can copy it. Pretty simple if you ask me."

"Why was I brought here to discuss this?" I asked. "As far as I remember, I'm neither an Olympian, nor your father."

"You need to stay at camp or at home," Apollo said.


"Yes," Zeus muttered. "We'll find Poseidon and Athena. We'll ask you for your help if we need it. I also forgot why I had brought you here in the first place."

"Wasn't it breaking the news that my dad and Athena are missing?" I asked.

Zeus scoffed. "Why would we call you here for that? You'd never even realise. I called you here to inform you that camp half-blood and camp Jupiter are going to be enclosed in a protective shield that will prevent anyone from entering or leaving. You'll be informing them, as Dionysus will be staying on Olympus temporarily to help with looking for Athena and Poseidon.

"Why are you enclosing the camps?"

"Because as of now, the rest of the rest of the seven demigods of the prophesy have gone missing."

I paled. My friends were missing? "What? Why? How?" I stuttered. I found it hard to believe he left this out when I first arrived here. Didn't he realise his son and the rest of my friends were missing?

"Do you think I know everything demigod?" Zeus snapped at me. "DO I LOOK LIKE I'M CHAOS?"

"Erm, no."

Apollo cleared his throat loudly.

Zeus nodded towards him. "Release the virus. It should distract the mortals so that they don't notice the changes in the seas and the demigods don't notice the inactivity of Olympus."

Apollo pouted and slumped back into his throne.

"What should we call it?" Hermes asked, looking up from his phone.

"Corona?" Mr. D suggested.

"It's after the drink isn't it?" Hermes asked.

Mr. D just shrugged.

Great. Apollo comes up with a killer virus, and it's names after a drink. Just great.

I shrugged and walked back towards the the elevator for the second time that hour, worrying not only about my dad missing but now also my friends.

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