The creator of the Universe

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Confession time, I ditched the Titans the minute they started to make out. I didn't want to ruin my childhood by watching a couple meeting up after four millennia..

I walked towards the heart of Tartarus since there wasn't really anywhere else I could go. I hoped I would come across Damasen's swamp or the shrine of Hermes, but I was pretty sure I'd passed the shrine and that I didn't want to encounter the Arai again.

Unfortunately, I came across a marshy terrain. Shcist. On the plus side, my friends could be here. On the down side, this was where the Arai stay and also where I first realised what Tartarus really was.

I'm pretty sure I had started to talk to myself as I walked.

I came across an occasional Dracaenae or Telkine but I disposed them off quickly.

What I was afraid of encountering was a Giant, Titan or Arai.

I heard the flapping of wings. Please be Mrs. Dodds. I'll erase as many math books as she wants.

I spun in a circle and cursed under my breath. The Fates hate me. Like seriously, leave me alone. I've had enough.

The Arai seemed to be letting me through. Were they trying to encircling me? I'm as good as dead. Might as well finish me off.

I approached Damasen's hut. My heart leaped for joy when I saw the smoke coming from the roof.

Before I could reach the hut, the world seemed to slow down and flip over.

There was a piece of ash infront of me. I tried moving it, but it felt as if it was dangling from an unbreakable string. I couldn't move it.

I looked back towards Damasen's hut and saw a woman sitting on a picnic chair and nibbling on an Oreo.

Was she one of Night's kids or some goddess who roamed Tartarus.

A smile tugged at the edge of her lips. She looked like she didn't like sunlight. She had jet black hair that seemed to draw everything towards her. She wore a business suite with stars in it.

"Nxy?" I asked.

The woman smiled, "I'm often mistaken for my daughter but never up here."

I looked at her confusingly. Nyx was one of the oldest known beings. She was said to have come into existence because of her father Chaos. And also, how was Tartarus 'up here'?

The woman rolled her eyes and she began to change. Her hair became shorter, while her eyes hardened and jaw changed.

This was the same guy who teleported me here.

"Wait you're the one who-"

"Teleported you here, yes," he said, turning back into a woman.

"History is often tampered with based on the age. In the beginning, I was known to the Titans and their parents to be just a consciousness. Then the gods came and through the ages, I became a male and female until they settled on a dude name Chaos. Of course, my daughter Night knew all about me. She was my favorite and we used to spend aeons together. Then she met Erebus. When I came back, I figured there was something called day. Can you imagine how it is to realise your youngest son and oldest daughter just got married?"

"Shocking?" I asked, pretty sure I had just wet myself realising who this woman was.

"I forgot to create stars for an entire galaxy!" She exclaimed. "Can you imagine a galaxy without any stars?"

"Not really," I admitted. "Can I have an Oreo?"

"Sure," she replied and a plate floated infront of me.

I didn't question it and munched on it.

"So anyway, that galaxy was their wedding gift from me."

"So you're Nyx, Gaia, Tartarus, Ouranous and Erebus' dad slash mom?" I asked.

"And Pontus, Hydros, Chronos, Ananke and Thalassa."

I was honestly speechless.

"Anyways," she continued, "your friends were just bait to lure you here. I've sent them back to thier camps."


The creator of the universe wanted to lure me here? He/she actually took interest in me?

"Yes, you see when Gaia went to sleep, Pontus stayed for a while before going to sleep as well. All the stirring of Tartarus and Gaia has woken him up. He has seen what's happening to his domain and let's just say my son is pissed."

"What has that got to do with me?"

Chaos frowned as if she was upset with all my questions.

"I wasn't really aware of everything, but I was drawn back here when I felt Gaia wake up and Nyx release a blast of energy with extreme hate towards tourism."

I inwardly cringed at that.

"What has that got to do with me?" I asked again, afraid she was going to blast me.

"I'm getting there child," she said. "Pontus is probably going to take a century before he decides to flood the Earth and wake his sister up. Him and his wife were always fond of Gaia."

"Where do I come in?"

Chaos sighed. "You come in everywhere child. That's what's amazes me. I find it hard to believe that one mortal child of Poseidon was able to cause the awakening of four of my children.

"Four?" I asked, paling.

Chaos gave me a motherly smile. "Gaia, Pontus, Thalassa, and Erebus after Nyx's outburst. Now thanks to you, all my children are starting to stir. One by one, my children and I will come together once again. However, I'm afraid your kind will not survive the energy in the universe. The last time this happened, we caused the second big bang."

Oh shcist.

Chaos beamed at me. "So all I wanted to say was thank you. I might have gotten carried away because it's nice to talk to someone."

"You', welcome?" I said.

Chaise smiled brightly once again.

"Can I have another Oreo?"

It popped up infront of me.

"Is it possible for you to meet up with your children a bit further away from the Earth?"

"But Gaia would turn up late," she complained. "Either ways,  there will never be enough of space."

I stayed silent at that. I was having a minor mental breakdown. Not enough space in space?

"Don't worry," she said patting my cheek. "Say what, I'll ask Pontus to spare you. You can hang out with Gaia and her kids for the rest of eternity."

Little did she know I was one of the reasons she went back to sleep.

"Why did you ask me why I fought for the gods?" I asked.

"They're using you," she said flatly. "Your loyalty lies with them so I won't try and change it but remember, my children, unlike the Olympians, are not paranoid, power hungry hypocrites, rapists or manipulative leaders. Anyways, enjoy your time with your friends and family. I'll be erasing this conversation from your mind."

After that sentence which made me feel like I had been kicked in the stomach, I was teleported back into somewhere in the mortal world. With that, I promptly fell asleep with one thought running through my mind. The creator of the 'word I'm not supposed to say' universe just spoke to me and she thanked me for waking her children up. Why couldn't she wake them up herself? I could understand to some point since my mother had difficulty waking up just one child a.k.a me, so Chaos has a good reason for not trying to wake up her kids. Wow!

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