Lock down

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I walked through the streets of New York for probably the last time in the next few months. I knew that there was no reason for me to be disheartened by the fact that the gods didn't want me to constantly be visiting Olympus. They weren't always the ones to show feelings like empathy or care. The thing that worried me was that my friends had gone missing.

I hailed a cab to long Island and looked back at my city. As the car drove away from the city, I saw a beam of light from the sky split off in all directions. The mortals would never even bother to notice. They were too immersed in their lives to bother to notice the world around them. They realise and take action only at the last moment, much like the gods.

I tipped the cab driver handsomely and walked through the borders of camp. As I approached the big house to inform Chiron about the camps' borders closing, I felt somone behind.

I spun around, to find Hermes talking on the phone. He handed me a golden envelope and bag of what I'm guessing were drachmas to inform the campers who were not at camp, and started to glow. I averted my eyes as he teleported away.

I opened the envelope and found a card, which showed me a counter meant for the borders. There were twelve minutes remaining before the borders closed. Why was it always twelve?

I changed directions and ran into my cabin and straight to the water fountain. I threw two drachmas into it and said, "Oh Fleecy do me solid and show me Reyna and Terminus. Emergency message."

Both the god and Praetor appeared on two separate screens but for once in my life, I controlled my ADHD and rushed an explanation about the gods' decision. "You need to bring back the guards and have everyone inside either the camp or the city. The gods are permanently closing the borders," I said.

For once, Terminus listened to me and disappeared. Reyna nodded and ran off as well. I then took off towards the big house at full speed. I barged in and found it empty. I turned around and ran towards the archery range.

I found Chiron aiming at a target peacefully, teaching a newer camper how to aim.

"Chiron," I yelled and I gasped for breath.

He turned towards me with worry.

"Borders...close...eleven minutes...role call...campers...warning...iris message...Olympus...closing."

I have no idea how much he understood, but it was enough for him to gallop away. A few seconds later, I heard the conch shell blow. I sat down, trying to catch my breath. A minute later, as I was heading towards the amphitheatre, the hunters' horn was blown as well. Great. They were going to be staying here as well. I had no problem with them, but they tended to be provoked by the campers a lot, causing fights to happen very often.

I headed to the amphitheatre, where Chiron was doing a roll call. There was no real need to do one because there were only around twenty five to thirty campers present. The rest were probably at home.

He saw me and ticked my name. The hunters then gathered towards the edge of the amphitheatre after leaving their stuff in their cabin.

I waved towards Thalia, who gave a smirk and waved back.

I looked down at the card and noticed that there were eight minutes remaining. I smirked to myself as I realised that the Artemis cabin was number eight, but was saddened immediately when I remembered my friends.

I snapped out of my senses when I realised that everyone was staring at me.

"Sorry what?" I asked, not really embarrassed as we were all ADHD.

I felt everyone roll their eyes.

"The reason why the borders are being sealed," Thalia said.

I nodded. "Olympus is being closed. The rest of the seven have gone missing according to the gods," I said, looking around for Annabeth, Leo, Jason or Piper.

Everyone gasped and started looking around for the four of them.

"No one knows what it is, but as far as I know, the gods have become worried. I think there's a lot they're not telling me but that's it for now."

The campers started muttering amongst themselves.

I went over and stood among James, Nyssa, Connor, Travis, Katie, Clarisse and Sherman.

Chiron nodded. "We must train harder than ever. Gods know if there's a threat approaching."

"They don't," I replied. "That's why they're closing the two camps. As for how I'm safe, I'm guessing it's because I was on Olympus temporarily and then in camp Jupiter."

The campers nodded, while the hunters got bored and started to walk away. I don't blame them.

"You must all train your hardest," Chiron said. "The hunters will train Percy in archery since I end up getting an arrow stuck in my rear after standing behind him," he said grimacing.

Thalia giggled, while the hunters had smirks on their faces.

Oh gods, what had I gotten myself into.

Just then, the card in my hand flashed twice. There were two minutes remaining.

"How're we going to find the rest?" I asked.

Chiron shook his head. "There isn't enough time for that. We must just stay here and pray that they're safe."

That wasn't going to happen. They were my friends. Even Annabeth after how she's been acting recently.

"We need to do something," I urged.

Chiron shook his head firmly and stomped his hoof on the ground.


Fine. If they weren't going to do anything, someone else had to.

"Percy don't you dare," Thalia warned. "I know what you're thinking and I'll kill you if you try it."

I ground my teeth. Twenty seconds remaining. Now or never Percy. They would have done the same for me... hopefully.

I took a deep breath, while Thalia narrowed her eyes. Chiron was distracted, making multiple iris messages.

I tensed for a millisecond and took off like the wind.

I had never run this fast. Thalia was hot on my tail and catching up.

I raised my fist, causing an earthquake. It wore me down a bit, but it slowed Thalia down.

I was at the pine tree.

"Don't you dare!" Thalia yelled. "Use your brain for once!"

That was the point, I never used it. Instead of thinking, I felt. I did what was right instead of analysing.

I shot out of the barrier just as there was sonic boom and it closed.

I turned around and saw a spear fly and hit the barrier.

Thalia was fuming and yelling profanities that would make Artemis pass out.

I gave a small smile and a two fingered salute.

"You know me Thals," I said, before walking away with no idea on how I was going to find my friends.

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