Spy work

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I could almost hear the Mission Impossible theme song playing in the backround as Connor and I followed Annabeth, who was leading James towards the beach.

My brother seemed extremely nervous, which was proved by the waves getting restless. I helped him out by calming down the waves.

Connor and I paused a little away from the beach. We watched the two exchange words until Annabeth leaned forward and kissed James. It hurt me to watch but I knew she no longer loved me. Eh well, whatever.

Connor zoomed in and took a few snaps. "We've secured our intel," he said grinning.

After a few minutes, James walked over to the Arena and plopped himself down.

"That's our cue," I muttered, as Connor and I rushed towards him.

"Did it work?" I asked hopefully.

"Yeah, she has no idea," he said cracking up. "We're about to out smart the smart."

While we were here in the Arena, Travis and Leo were sending this information over to Hermes, who was keeping a record of everything.

Hera was keeping an eye on Ares, while Zeus was keeping an eye on my dad.

Connor had to leave soon to practice sword fighting with the rest of the Hermes cabin, which left me James to go canoeing.

We were in the middle of the lake when James' canoe suddenly exploded and he fell into the water.

"Help! James is drowning," came Annabeth's voice.

How dumb was she? James can't drown.

As if to prove my point, James floated out of the water and landed on my canoe, throwing us both out of balance. We fell in and laughed under water.

"James is drowning. Aaaahahhhh." James mimicked Annabeth's voice.

I continued laughing. We resurfaced, still giggling. A lot of campers had gathered around the canoe lake.

"I can't drown, we're both children of Poseidon. Who put that bomb in my canoe in the first place?"

Everyone looked towards the Hermes cabin, but they shrugged.

I dived back into the lake and collected all the broken pieces.

I looked at the bomb and noticed that it was similar to what the Hermes cabin used. It also puzzled me how Annabeth had been there. She normally had Archery at that time.

I resurfaced along with the pieces and showed them the left overs of the mini explosive.

"Who's stupid enough to try and drown a son of Poseidon?" I asked.

Chiron looked at Connor and Travis suspiciously but they stared right back.

"That bomb is supposed to be filled with paint and blown up as a prank. It was never designed to be filled with gun powder," Travis stated.

Everyone shrugged and went back to their activities.

"Ask your sibling. Either someone was blackmailed by Annabeth or she stole the bomb."

The twins nodded and we went our separate ways.

Annabeth then came towards us. "Hey seaweed brain," she said, making me want to be sick. "I'm just going to borrow James for a minute."

Great. I sat down at the doorstep of the Poseidon cabin and waited. When James returned with Annabeth, he looked extremely disturbed. I wanted to ask him what was wrong but Annabeth stayed with us for the whole day.

After the camp fire was over, she dragged James away towards the big house. James had his phone on him so I wasn't too worried. He could always record any suspicious conversations he had.

I went back to our cabin and crashed on my bunk. James came back five minutes later, looking even more disturbed.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing," he replied. He gave me a half hearted smile and held my gaze for a second and flicked his eyes towards the door. Someone else was here.

"I'm brushing first," I said, and walked towards the bathroom. I took the longer route that went close to the door. I covered my mouth as I did a fake yawn and out stretched my elbow. It was meant to be a fake yawn but seeing that I was sleepy, it ended up being an original yawn.

My out stretched elbow hit something, and there was a yelp. I felt around, and pulled off Annabeth's Yankees baseball cap.

"You shouldn't be here," I exclaimed. "What if Chiron caught you?"

"I'm having bad dreams about Tartarus Percy, I need you," she said, clinging on to my hand, but giving James a sideways glance that did not go unnoticed.

I shrugged and looked towards James for help.

He shrugged back at me. It would be hard to say no without making it suspicious.

So in the end, Annabeth ended up sleeping in the Poseidon cabin, next to me. It took all my will power to not jump onto the next bunk.

Thankfully, she didn't bring her knife, meaning she was atleast listening to her mother and not trying to kill me.

I held onto her to make sure she doesn't move and try to kill me or frame me for something worse.

Thankfully, when we woke up in the morning, everything was fine and no one was dead.

James looked at Annabeth in annoyance. She left the cabin immediately to make sure no one found out she'd been here.

I sighed at the thought that no one caught her, but grinned when I saw James holding his phone in his hand.

"Why did you look worried yesterday?" I asked him, now that we were free to talk without being watched.

"No reason," he said, while ushering me towards the bathroom. I followed him and the two of started brushing our teeth.

He spat his paste onto the mirror and started to write.

She's making me frame you 4 canal. Tool me 2 Chiron after camp fire 2 contain.

The numbers along with letters made my dislexia even worse. The two of us stared at what James had himself written on the mirror. He proceeded to face palm and correct the canal fo canoe and contain to complain.

That made perfect sense.

James nodded to me and spat on the glass again.

Her phone—your bed—record.

He washed away what he wrote and walked out of the bathroom.

"Percy, you clean the room, I'll do our beds," James called out.

"Alrighty," I replied, starting to sweep up the cabin.

"Hey look!" He exclaimed. "Annabeth left her phone here."

"I thought she gave it to Chiron when she's at camp."

"I don't know bro."

We grinned at each other.

Just then, Annabeth opened the door. "Sorry, I left my phone," she said before grabbing it and running out.

James and I grinned at each other and fist bumped.

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