I'm toast

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Oceanus grinned at us. Hephaestus growled and rushed him with his glowing hammer.

I was expecting Hephaestus to smash right through the sea Titan but Oceanus simply leaned to the side and punched Hephaestus, making him zoom past me and towards the surface.

"Now that the pesky god is taken care of, I'd like to know why the throne chose you," the Titan asked, his weapon flickering between a long sword and a snake.

"How am I to know?"

"Didn't uncle Pontus tell you why the throne chose you?"

"No he told me he can use me to destroy Olympus."

Oceanus groaned. "I'm tired of everyone waging war. I wasn't even invited by mother when she awoke. If uncle Pontus wishes to take part, I'm in."

I really didn't know what to say to that.

"Well?" Oceanus asked me.


"Are going to help him or not? You may be the child of that excuse of a sea god but you're still my uncle's champion."

"No, they're my family! I'm not hurting them.

Oceanus was about to say something but the blue glow around us disappeared, causing both of us to look around.

"Don't bother, young Titan, I already tried. We just need to bid our time and wait until he matures."

I looked up to see Pontus floating towards us.

"He can rest until the time comes."

For some reason I didn't like the way he said rest. It felt as if I was going to go into a long sleep. So naturally, I gripped Riptide and charged. Don't ask me who I was charging at, I didn't get the chance to decide since the water started to show resistance against me.

I tried to push against it but it threw me away. It felt as if the water was fighting against me.

"All your little friend and sibbling will soon be groveling at my feet," Oceanus said.

I ground my teeth and willed the water to split for me, similar to glass shattering.

Surprisingly, a slash traveled through the water and struck both Pontus and Oceanus.

"He has become stronger," Pontus mumbled to himself.

"A little point to note sea Titan," I growled, "Don't mess with my family."

I willed the water bind around him and restrict his movement and it did so. I felt no resistance.

Oceanus wasn't happy though, he started to glow. With one loud cry, the titan burst into his true form. The energy caused a huge explosion which blew past me, but instead of shielding my eyes or taking cover, I just made the water squish him like a bug. The pressure of the water aided me.

His form died out and I charged him with Riptide.

The Titan of the seas growled menacingly. I slashed at him but he dodged it and punched me square on the jaw.

I felt something break but went at him again, which was probably the stupidest thing I could've done. Our swords clashed and I was blown back by the sheer force of the Titan's attack.

Pontus decided to intervene and started to glow blue.

Oceanus calmed down and stood on the Primordial's right.

"Sweet dreams Perseus," Pontus said, while Oceanus chuckled. "I hope you take my advice when you wake up."

With that, my world went black. I had no idea how long this sleep could be. For all I knew, it could a be a few thousand years like Gaia's little nap.

Would I have any dreams?

Fortunately or unfortunately, I had no dreams, instead I was simply trapped inside my head. I couldn't move or feel anything. My ADHD will drive me crazy if I was supposed to remain like this for more than fifty-nine seconds.

I started to count but began to feel my consciousness coming back to me.

My eyes opened and the first thing I saw was a crystal ceiling and I also noticed that I was somewhere in the ocean. My senses of location were all scrambled up.

I was in some sort of elaborate room in some sort of palace, which I knew wasn't my dad's.

I was in the same clothes as what I remember I had worn when going to the forge with Hephaestus.

I opened the door and popped my head out into the corridor and gasped. I was in probably the most beautiful place under water.

There were weird looking sea creatures swimming above me and the floor was made off the smoothest sand I had ever felt.

I ran down the corridor and found myself overlooking a huge throne room where Pontus was sitting on his throne and playing on a mobile phone underwater, which I found hard to believe. The primordial of the sea looked right at me and stood up in an instant.

"How the Tartarus are you awake?"

Before I could answer, someone else spoke.

"I suggest you don't use your brother's name as a curse word Pontus," a female voice echoed from all around us.

"Who are you?" Pontus growled.

"Watch your tongue son," the voice said.

Pontus paled and collapsed on his throne.

The water at the centre of the room disappeared and a rip seemed to form in the world. Through the rip, I could see stars and galaxies but soon a woman stepped out.

The instant I saw her, my head started to hurt. It felt like my head was being ripped apart to make space for something huge. I couldn't hold it in any longer and yelled out in pain but the pain soon subsided and I gasped. This was Chaos, the same one I met in Tartarus.

"Four and a half billion years mother," Pontus said, with a quiver in his voice.

I looked at the old Primordial to see tears rolling down his cheeks.

Chaos snapped her fingers and all the old age seemed to disappear from Pontus. The Primordial of the seas ran over to his mother and crushed her in a hug.

I didn't really know what to do. Pontus was sniffling like a baby while hugging Chaos.

Chaos stepped back and her already black eyes became darker and another rip formed, from which two massive black clouds and one grey one started to swirl around us until they formed into three figures out of which one of them gave me nightmares and the other made me want to die. The figure I could recognise was Nyx, the primordial of night.

"Hey little brother," one of the males said and the shadows bent around him to spit him out infront of Pontus.

"Nyx, Erebus, Tartarus," Pontus said exclaimed.

That's when I felt my brain explode. You can guess. I fainted.

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