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the sun was slowly starting to rise at it shined onto yoongis bed.
yoongi fell asleep cuddled up against hoseoks lap, wrapped under a blanket.

it was about 6 am and yoongi woke up suddenly. the sun was shining onto the bed and he layed in hoseoks lap with the sun hitting his skin.
hoseok was still sound asleep, not waking up anytime soon. yoongi decided it was to early to get up and turned his head back around , facing away from the sun , going back to sleep.
" i love you hoseok. "

" yoongiii, wake upp " hoseok was standing on the floor next to the bed ,where yoongi was still curled up in a ball sleeping, trying to shake him awake. it was already noon and they needed to get up.
yoongi let out noises of tiredness, not wanting to get up.
hosoek went and grabbed the cat and put her on top of yoongi.
" hoseok get grey off of me. "
" she wants you to wake up! "
" but i don't want to. "
" i'll make waffles? "
" i still don't wanna get up. "
" with strawberries. "
" fine. "
yoongi sat up and looked straight at hoseok.
yoongis hair was a mess and looked all grumpy when he woke up.
" good morning yoongi! " hosoek said happily to the sleepy yoongi.
yoongi continued to stare before eventually getting up and walking to the living room, sitting on the couch.
" yoongi! do you have a waffle maker ? " hosoek rummaged through his kitchen.
" no.. "
" then why'd you agree to me saying i could make waffles if you don't have a waffle maker silly? " hoseok laughed.
" i don't know.. " yoongi, still half asleep walked over to hosoek standing in the kitchen and grabbed the pan he used for pancakes and put it on the stove.
" oh yoongi i'll make breakfast! " hosoek said happily.
yoongi nodded and smiled before going to sit back down and turned on the tv.
in about 15 minutes hoseok was happily bringing a plate filled with pancakes and fresh fruit he found in yoongis fridge.
" oh. thanks hoseok! i'll have to make you something for make up for this. " he said happily, now wide awake and functional.
the two sat on the couch for awhile just eating breakfast and watching whatever came on tv.
" hoseok? what do you wanna do today. "
" i don't know really. i just wanna stay home i guess. "
" well me to so. let's just do that. "

the two spent the entire day watching tv and sitting on the couch. it was nice, the two of them just enjoying each others comfort.

jungkook, jimin, and tae, were all hanging out at jimins house , it was a lazy sunday for everyone.
" do you think yoongi and hoseok are fuc- " tae spoke before being interrupted by jimin.
tae laughed at jimins reaction.
jungkook just sat there, watching the fight between the two.

the night went on, everyone going their own ways how they would any other night.

before they knew it the sun was rising and hoseok was once again trying to wake up yoongi, because it was monday and he desperately needed to get up or they would be late.
" yoongi were gonna be late! here i already picked out clothes for you get up! " he was desperatly trying to shake the sleeping cat awake.
hoseok was already dressed and had been completely ready for about a hour now, having tried waking up yoongi multiple times.
" finee, " he rolled over and looked up at the already dressed hoseok was standing in front of him.
" good morning. "
" good morning yoongi! here i picked out clothes for you already! "
hoseok handed him a cutely oversized sweater and some ripped jeans he found in yoongis dresser.
hoseok was wearing a loose long sleeved collared shirt with some tight jeans. yoongi thought he looked very , hot that day and liked his outfit.
yoongi grabbed the clothes and headed to the bathroom to get himself changed and take a shower.
you could hear the stuff flying around the bathroom once yoongi realized it was 7:30 and school started at 8 and he was no where near ready.

while yoongi got ready, hoseok made sandwiches for the two , fed yoongis cat, and made sure yoongi had all his stuff ready for school , just to make it easier for him.

yoongi rushed out of the bathroom, ready to go in the outfit hosoek picked out for him.
" okay. let's go ! we're gonna be late. "
yoongi grabbed his bag that hoseok made for him and rushed out the door.

the two walked to school, realizing they still had a bit of time.
" oh hoseok. nice outfit you chose for me. " yoongi said , looking at the ripped jeans and sweater hoseok picked out. he knew hoseok picked them out for him so he could see how he looked in that type of outfit.
" aha, you're welcome. " hoseok blushed, realizing how yoongi looked good in anything you gave him.

they approached the school, their group of friends greeting them at the front.
yoongi and hoseok had self consciously started holding each others hands and only realized when jin pointed out how cute the two were being.

piano kisses ( sope / yoonseok au )Where stories live. Discover now