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" oh, hi! yes i'm hoseok! " hoseok said nervously , freaking out because this is what he least expected, to have his crush and idol, start teaching him piano.
" great, just come in and we can just start with the basics i guess.. i still have a couple things to set up though. so we can just talk for now. "

hoseok walked over and stood in the corner, awkwardly, trying to collect his thoughts while yoongi set up his stuff to start teaching him.

" you know you can speak right? i'm not making you be quiet. " yoongi said with a laugh, watching the nervous hoseok stand in the corner.

" ah sorry,. i'm just a bit shy aha. " hoseok responded nervously

" then i'll start talking. what do you like to do?" yoongi said as he got stuff ready to teach hoseok.

" oh, i dance.. and i like listening to music. oh! i really like your recent album d-2!! it was really good... you're so talented! " hoseok said happily to yoongi.

" oh you listen to my music? that's cool. you should show me some of your dancing some time. maybe we could work together eventually. "

"oh my god.. " hoseok thought to him self. " what if i do really get to work with yoongi.. what if he writes a song for me to dance to and we work on it together.. " hoseoks thoughts spiraled everywhere.

"that'd be amazing... we should work together sometime! but wait aren't i here for piano lessons.. "

" yeah you are. but i'm sure we'll end up becoming friends outside of lessons. you're a cool guy you know that right hoseok? i'd love to be your friend just in general. we go to the same school anyways. "

" oh my god yoongi called me cool. " hoseok panicked to himself.

" yeah that'd be awesome! i'd love to. "

hoseoks fear of being in the same room with his crush and idol slowly died down and he was able to function normally.

" ah i'm just about ready. come take a seat and we can start learning the basics. " yoongi patted down on empty spot next to him on the piano seat. 

hoseok panicked again once he realized he was going to sit right next to him, but put that aside and walked over.

yoongi brought hoseok through the basics, what the different keys were, and how to read sheet music. they wrapped up practice after about a hour of hoseok silently panicking to himself and yoongi just going along with the lesson.

" wow, hoseok really cant his crush on me well. his hands shake every time they're next to mine. " yoongi thought silently to himself as he watched hoseok play a few notes on the piano.

hoseok walked over to his stuff and packed up his things.

" oh hoseok! let me give you my phone number so we can talk and i can remind you to practice. don't forget to get that old keyboard from the basement that you mentioned your parents had so you can practice. " yoongi wrote down his number on a spare piece of paper.

" oh, i'm not able to go back to my parents for about another month.. " hoseok said to yoongi.
his parents did actually have a old keyboard and he could've gone over any day he wanted to get it, but he just wanted a excuse to come to yoongis apartment more often.

" oh that's fine. should we do every tuesday and thursday for about a month so you have access to a piano in the first place and can practice? "

piano kisses ( sope / yoonseok au )Where stories live. Discover now