Chapter One: The Lovegoods

Start from the beginning

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1st September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

It was so exciting for me and Lana. We're twin siblings and we have a lot in common with each other, like reading books and playing Wizard's Chess, although I do have a bigger interest in Quidditch than her. As we finish up for breakfast, Mum tells us to get ready to go while she prepares the Floo powder. As we got everything ready, Mum gave us the bowl to take a handful of the sparking green powder.

"Now remember," Mum spoke calmly, "speak clearly before you drop the powder. Elbows tucked and eyes closed as you say it. You don't want to end up somewhere else, now do we?"

She said with a soft laugh. Lana and I each take a handful of the powder and step into our fireplace.

"Anyway, I'll let you two go first, I will see you there."

We both looked at each other with a grin on our faces and shouted,

"Diagon Alley!"

The powder drops from our hands and into the flames, changing the hue of the fire from it's normal reddish-orange to bright green and engulfing us into the flames and seconds later, we found ourselves in the magical town of Diagon Alley. A hand is placed on my shoulder and another on Lana's, revealing the person to be our mother.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" She says. "How about you go into Ollivanders for your wands while I get some money from Gringotts? Sounds like a plan?"

We both nodded and hugged her before she headed off to Gringotts. "Come on, Y/N." I turned to Lana, who was beaming with delight. "Let's go get our wands!"

Lana POV

Y/N and I walked into Ollivander's Wand Shop, which also held the sign, "Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C." The shop is very rustic and filled to the brim with wand boxes. Y/N is very surprised at the place, and frankly, so am I. They have been making these wands for a very long time. It would be very reasonable to see this many wands in a place like this. "So, where's Ollivander?" Y/N asked.

"I'm glad you asked, my young lad." A voice boomed through the shop. A man stepped out of the shadows of his doorway, revealing his white hair and brown overcoat. "Y/N and Lana Lovegood. I've been expecting the two of you." The man said. "My name is Garrick Ollivander."

"It's nice to meet you, sir, but how do you know the both of us?" I asked him.

"I know both of you because your father and uncle, Langden and Xenophilius had come here many years ago for their wands. Why, in fact, Y/N, you're a spitting image of him. And you, Lana, you look like your mother! But no doubt you both possess their intellect, now don't you!" Ollivander answers with glee.

"Oh, we never knew our father." Y/N says with a sad look. "He died when we were babies."

Ollivander retracts his smile and replaces it with a mournful look, similar to Y/N. "I'm sorry to have mentioned him, then. He was a great man, he was."

"It's ok, sir." Y/N says with a slight smile. "We do want to see what wand chooses us though, Mr. Ollivander! I can't wait!" I say, which earned an elbow nudge from Y/N.

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