Chapter Sixteen: You Next 🖤🔪

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This chapter will be in Igor's point of view to the very end for today. I hope you enjoy and don't forget to leave those beautiful comments of y'all's! ❤
Igor's POV:

"Igor....the boss seems suspicious of you and Ashanti. He has assigned me to watch you and her. Be careful and I will get back to you with as many updates as I can." When looking at this text from Timothy, I can honestly say I'm not surprised. I knew Vladimir would start to have suspicions about me and Ashanti. "Thank you, my friend and please continue to keep me in the loop, but for the time being keep an eye on Boris, Salim, and Adrian. I don't trust his "loyal" crew." I say sending him a text back. Immediately after sending that I get the "okay" text from Timothy letting me know that he's on the case.

"Time for another show big cousin." I say in my head. I'm not stupid to say anything out loud because I know Vladimir has gotten my room bugged. The vase in my room is not where I directly placed it which means he has been in here. That piece of shit will never be smarter or ahead of me.

"Vladimir!" I scream and wait for his call back.


"Can you come in here. I have to talk to you about a concerning matter!"

"Be there in a minute!" He yells back and after I would say approximately two minutes have gone by. He's here in front of me. "What is it?"

"Do you need me to make the arrangements for Anika's funeral?"

"Yes, please. Also, look at you getting back in business mode so quickly."

"I learned from the best....." I say clenching my fists hard.

"Indeed you did. Anyway, tell me what me and Ashanti are having."

"Did she not tell you?"

"Unfortunately no she didn't. She is still acting like a bitch from earlier."

"Oh okay. Well, congratulations then.....You will be having a son and also a daughter." I say trying to keep the bile rising in my throat down.

"Amazing!! The boy I mean. As for the girl...I think when she reaches thirteen I might sell her to that perverted Colombian mobster."

"Of course....." I say balling my fists up behind my back tighter making them turn what I can only presume is a bright red.

"Has she talked to you about names?"

"She mentioned it on the plane here, so yes she has."

"What are they?"

"My children's names will be Lily and Atlas." Ashanti's voice say interrupting me before I could say anything.

"Lily....A name that has the word "pure" attached to it. That is very comical my dear. That little hoe inside you will be gone when she turns three months if you continue with your attitude and disrespect towards your husband or should I say your superior." He says turning slowly to look at her.

"The day you think you can take them away from me or even breath wrong in their presence. I will take that knife I used to kill Anika and I will cut your toes off one at a time while someone holds you down and another takes a chainsaw and cuts the skin around your face until it simply just slides off. I will then dump your body after I have mutilated it into a tank of acid. You keep fucking with me and I will show you just how far this "bitch" will go to protect her babies." Ashanti says so fierce making me quickly fix my hard on before either notices that I am still in the room.

"You don't have the guts...."

"My husband.....You comical fool. Please try me and find out. Go ahead say that again and just see if I don't kill yo ass right now!!" Ashanti says walking towards him with every word she says making me look at her stomach and then at her making sure to give her a warning look.

"Whatever bitch. You are so lucky I need to go to the whore house to find another bitch to satisfy me while you carry our boy. If it wasn't for him you would have been dead and so would they. More bodies to match that weak bastard we called our first son." He says slinging her to the ground making me rush to her and help her up. Before I can curse his ass out, he is gone just that quickly. "Are you okay my lioness?" I say quietly.

"You make those plans soon Igor and I mean it. He dies soon." She whispers very low and soft in my ear. I simply nod my head and help her up.

We both give each other one last look and go our separate ways for now. I think I know exactly how to get rid of Vlad once and for all. Like I have said in the past. I have many connections, and they all owe me favors after the other. I walk down to the basement which is the only place where one can't be heard and take out my phone. "The time has come Giovanni, I need your help with getting rid of Vladimir." As much as I can't stand the Italians I do still fuck with them. They help me and I help them in return.

"My boys and I will be ready and down there ASAP."

"Wonderful. I appreciate this but I sadly know your ass and you expect something in return for me asking you for help. What is it?"

"An alliance. I don't care if it is an alliance verbally or through marriage between our children but just know Igor we want to be in your corner. With both ruthless teams coming together no-one in this world will be able to stop us."

"When do you need my answer back on this?"

"When that boy or girl you are having turns 1. That will be the deadline."

"Fine....Just know that I will never sell my children off. I will come up with something but until then be ready." I say and hang up on him.

"I knew it! You did get Ashanti pregnant! Wait until I tell Vladimir!" Boris says out of nowhere and then makes a run for the door but like I have also stated in the past....Igor Andrei Petrov never misses his prey. I take out my gun and without looking pull the trigger hitting him in the back of his head immediately in which makes the bullet go all the way through to the other side. "Timothy, come dispose of Boris. We are in the basement. Let no-one see you." I say sending a quick text to him.

"Sorry, I had to end you Boris. Only 22 and you are dead. Hell you haven't even lived yet, but you should know when you threaten my damn family nothing in this world can ever stop me from killing the bitch who has or tried to fuck them over. Enjoy hell you fucking kiss ass." I say leaning against the wall and lighting a cigar.

"Let's do this quickly." Timothy says coming down the stairs and just like that we get rid of him and make it so everything looks like nothing has happened down here. Our work for today is done but the next one on the hit list is Ashanti's father. That kill will be mines. A father is supposed to protect his baby girl, but instead this lowdown sack of garbage contributed to her pain. Get ready Aaron because you just made the worst enemy in life.

This was a somewhat intense chapter but of course my lovelies as always don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT!

P.S ~ Please remember to stay safe and keep faith in these very difficult times right now. 😊😘❤

Love ~

Laila 😍💕

Word Count: 1332

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